1. Roll call – 5 min
2. Review of AIs from 16 Feb 2011 meeting -- Co-Chairs, 5 min.
a) Seth to ask ICANN Legal if WT C still needs to work on implementation of Recommendation task 5.3.1 (ALAC and staff should develop an annual support agreement).
- Completed. See input from staff (Samantha Eisner and Olof Nordling).
5. RALO input into SWOT analyses and next steps – Co-Chairs, 15 min.
- AFRALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses: Nothing added to tables; agreed to WT C’s points already included.
- APRALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses: Nothing yet added to tables; SWOT coordinator (Fouad) going to follow up with ALSes.
- EURALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses: Nothing added to tables; agree to WT C’s points already included (also discussed ranking them, but has not done so yet).
- LACRALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses: Added points of its own.
- NARALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses: Added points of its own.
>> AI: Dev to check with Alejandro regarding meaning of these points from LACRALO in SWOT A. Weaknesses:
- RALO in support of a pattern or policy favoring a single provider or provider group. (For example with new gTLDs, ccTLDs used like generics, and other changes in the domain names): This point might be dealing with capture. Can use word “capture” to reword, but be careful, delicate in how use it.
- Lack of mechanisms for transparency and accountability within and between ALSes: Keep this point.
- Lack of minimum requirements for the incorporation of the At-Large ALSes (Annual Report, statutes approved by competent authorities, recent activities).
>> AI: Seth to reword as the recognition of a weakness: Lack of minimum requirements for the incorporation of the At-Large ALSes… and the three subpoints we’re putting under it to clarify.
>> AI: Seth to edit following point: Leadership role in providing foundation grants ( ICANN Is a 501C) to less fortunate groups, Note the World Wide Web Foundation efforts to promote entrepreneurship in the Third World.
- Make it more precise; it could be related to encouraging growth of a number of ALSes.
At this point, it was decided that WT B C would continue the review of the RALO’s contributions to its SWOT analyses via e-mail.
SWOT analyses points still to be mapped to WT C Simplified Outline recommendation tasks, then proposals to be developed.
>> AI: Olivier and Tijani to map SWOT analyses points to WT C Simplified Outline recommendation tasks, then to develop proposals.
>> AI: Once Olivier and Tijani have mapped SWOT analyses points to WT C Simplified Outline recommendation tasks and have developed proposals, Seth to review whether or not WT C has at least one proposal for each recommendation task.