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Proposed Election Schedule - Rev 2

30 September 2011 Election Call  (sent to lists.)

14 October 2011 Deadline for Officer Nominations (to be sent to lists.)

17 October 2011 Chair to post to the public ALAC list an “election summary” message (sent to lists.)

17-28 October 2011 Nominations are discussed

21 October Deadline for Nominees to Accept their Nomination (sent to lists and or as notified and recorded on the relevant Election Pages of the At-Large Wiki.)

23 October 2011 Start of AGM

28-29 October 2011 Election of ALAC Officers

31 October 2011 Election Results announced

31 October 2011 - New ALAC Officers take their seats

Election Schedule with ROP Explanations

30 October 2011 Election Call is sent by ALAC Chair

ROP Article 9.1:

No earlier than one calendar month and no later than three weeks before the beginning of an ICANN Meeting where an ALAC officer has to be elected, the current Chair Chair of the ALAC will send to the public ALAC list an “election call” message, listing the officers that are to be elected at that ICANN Meeting, asking for nominations, and stating the deadline according to the following paragraph 9.2.

14 October 2011 Deadline for Officer Nominations

ROP Article 9.2:

The deadline for nominations for all open officer positions shall be 14 (fourteen) days after the date of the “election call”. Only delegates can nominate or self-nominate, by posting a message to the public ALAC list. Anyone who will or has a chance to meet eligibility requirements after the next ICANN Annual General Meeting can be nominated; it is not necessary for nominees to meet eligibility requirements at the moment of the nomination, but, if elected, they will have to meet them before taking their seat. Nominations of individuals who will not meet the eligibility requirements after the closure of the next Annual General Meeting are invalid.

17 October 2011 Chair to post to the public ALAC list an “election summary” message

ROP 9.4

9.4 After the deadline for nomination acceptance has passed and either:

9.4.1 not less than seven (7) days before the opening of the ICANN Meeting, if a regular election, or;

9.4.2 within seven (7) days from the end of the nomination acceptance period, if a vacancy is being filled between Annual General Meetings the Chair will post to the public ALAC list an “election summary” message. This message will contain a summary of all valid nominations for any open position. In the message, the Chair will also notify the day and time in which the actual vote will happen; such day and time must be either:

9.4.3 For regular elections: between the beginning and the closure of the ICANN Meeting, except when the Meeting is also the Annual General Meeting. In this latter case, the date and time of the vote shall be within the first 48 (forty-eight) hours after the closure of the Annual General Meeting; thus, the electorate will include the delegates whose term starts at the closure of that Annual General Meeting, and will not include the former ALAC members whose term ends at the closure of that Annual General Meeting, or:

9.4.4 Where a vacancy arises in mid-year: the electorate shall consist of those delegates who are currently serving ALAC Members

17-28 October 2011 Nominations are discussed

ROP Article 9.5:

Nominations shall then be discussed on the public ALAC list, via instant messaging services or by telephone, and/or at the physical ALAC meetings during the ICANN Meetings, as applicable.

21 October 2011 Deadline for Nominees to Accept their Nomination

ROP Article 9.3:

Nominations must be accepted by the nominee by sending a message of acceptance to the public ALAC list (or to the person who nominated them, who will then forward it to the public ALAC list, if they do not have posting privileges to the public ALAC list at the time) by the deadline of 7 (seven) days after the deadline for nominations. Nominations that are not accepted are invalid.

23 October 2011 Start of AGM

28-29 October 2011 Election of ALAC Officers

ROP 9.4:

9.4.3 For regular elections: between the beginning and the closure of the ICANN Meeting, except when the Meeting is also the Annual General Meeting. In this latter case, the date and time of the vote shall be within the first 48 (forty-eight) hours after the closure of the Annual General Meeting; thus, the electorate will include the delegates whose term starts at the closure of that Annual General Meeting, and will not include the former ALAC members whose term ends at the closure of that Annual General Meeting, or:

9.4.4 Where a vacancy arises in mid-year: the electorate shall consist of those delegates who are currently serving ALAC Members

ROP 9.6:

At the day and time of the vote, delegates will be provided (by staff or a delegated disinterested third party) with a mechanism for voting that meets the following requirements:

9.6.1 It allows for each delegate to cast their vote in a confidential manner, so that no other delegate or officer shall know it;

9.6.2 It allows for delegates who are not physically present to cast their vote remotely (also in advance of the day and time of the vote, if they are unavailable at that moment

9.6.3 Each delegate can cast up to one preference for each open position, picking among the list of validly nominated individuals published at rule 9.4. Votes for other individuals are considered equivalent to abstention.

31 October 2011 Election Results announced

31 October 2011 New ALAC Officers take their seats at the end of the AGM

Proposed Election Schedule - Rev 1

1. Call for election: The regional Secretariat will make a call for election

(no later than 23 September 2011)

2. Nomination Period: nominations shall be accepted for four weeks after the

Secretariat calls for nominations (up to 7 October 2011)

3. Acceptance deadline: the nominees need to accept their nomination no

later than seven days after the nomination period ends (14 October 2011)

4. Election deadline: The election shall begin no later than one week after

the end of the acceptance deadline (17 October 2011) and end not later

than two weeks later (28 October 2011).