- Summary minutes for this meeting were taken by EURALO Secretariat Oksana Prykhodko and by At-Large staff member Seth Greene.
- No explicit action items were assigned during this EURALO call, these are part of the meeting minutes (points 5, 6 and 8).
Standing Issues
1. Roll Call and apologies
Apologies: Olivier Crepin Leblond, Sebastien Bachollet, Rudi Vansnick
Absentees: Siranush Vardanyan Manuel Schneider, Rudi Vansnick
Staff: Seth Greene, Marilyn Vernon
2. Review of the Action Items from the 17 May 2011 call (2 minutes)
There are no action items listed on the appropriate meeting Confluence page. However, Wolf recalls that they all had to do with preparing for the EURALO General Assembly and all are now completed.
3. Open Public Consultations (10 minutes) -- depending on Olivier's availability for this call.
See: At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule
It was decided that this agenda item would be skipped because Olivier could not make the meeting.
4. Status of EURALO ALS Applications (Wolf, Olivier, Staff) (5 mins)
To cover:
European Media Platform
The Ukrainian Internet Association
- Point at which the GAC gets involved in policy development: One specific issue is that the GAC could consider participating earlier in the policy development process. For it to enter the process later, as it seems to now, has caused impasses and problems at the end. Christopher suggested that we stress to governments that the GAC begin participating earlier.
- Vertical integration: The Board’s decision on Vertical Integration was not consistent with either European or US competition law (according to Christopher).
- The JAS WG process to provide applicant support is only still in a vague form, though this is beginning to take shape now and get some momentum.
Within EURALO, there are three ALSes that have not been active: the Slovenian Consumers Association, KEPKA - Consumers Protection Centre in Greece, and Ynternet.org in Switzerland.
6. Follow-up on the Belgrade EURALO General Assembly (Wolf and other attendees)(10 minutes)
See: GA meeting minutes and action items
Creation of an ALS for individual members (draft Bylaws, WG and coordination)
A second main topic discussed in Belgrade was outreach; in addition, of course, the GA itself was a major outreach/”inreach” event. During the GA, Olivier reported that an ALS application might be received shortly from Russia, and Wolf noted one might be received from ColognePoland. EURALO will also use the upcoming European Summer School on Internet Governance as an outreach vehicle.
8. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC and EURALO Members (Sandra, Wolf, Olivier) (5 mins)
To cover:
EuroSSIG, 24 - 30 July, Meissen / Germany (Sandra and Wolf)
Planning for events in Kiev / Ukraine early September (Oksana)
Sebastien and Olivier are now in India at an Internet meeting.