12:20:57 From Remmy Nweke : Good evening all
12:21:23 From Yazid AKANHO : Hi Remmy and all
12:22:10 From Remmy Nweke : Hi Yazid
12:26:45 From Raymond Mamattah : Good evening from Accra, Ghana
12:27:11 From Barrack Otieno : Bonjour a tous
12:27:24 From Mary Uduma : Hello Everyone
12:27:25 From FSylla : Bonjour
12:27:58 From Seun Ojedeji : Welcome madam Fatimata
12:27:58 From davekissoondoyal : Hello All
12:28:09 From Seun Ojedeji : Hello everyone
12:28:09 From Heidi Ullrich : Hi All, Silvia is at an internal meeting this week. I will be the lead staff support on this call today.
12:28:15 From Sarah Kiden : Hello all/Bonjour
12:28:16 From FSylla : Thanks Mr Chair!!!
12:28:21 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you @Heidi
12:28:28 From davekissoondoyal : Bonjour tout le monde
12:28:35 From Heidi Ullrich : Action Items will be taken here: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/AFRALO/pages/104679123/Action+items%3Aitems+2019-12-04+AFRALO+Monthly+Teleconference
12:28:45 From Bakary KOUYATE : Bonsoir tout le monde
12:28:45 From Seun Ojedeji : Thanks for standing in Heidi
12:29:11 From Michel TCHONANG : Bonsoir à tous
12:29:52 From Seun Ojedeji : Bonjour @Michel, welcome
12:30:28 From Hadia : hello all
12:30:56 From Jules NIZEYIMANA : Hello all!
12:32:32 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : Hello all,
12:34:44 From Michel TCHONANG : Thank Seun!
12:35:11 From Mohamed : Hello Everyone
12:38:56 From Hadia : ok thanks
12:38:56 From Sarah Kiden : Yes, NomCom is on the agenda
12:39:10 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : it already on agenda
12:39:52 From Gabdibé GAB-HINGONNÉ : Bonjour tout le monde. Gabdibé from Chad
12:40:48 From Olevie Kouami : Hello everyone
12:42:19 From Hadia : Thanks to Mahomed and Fatimata a lot
12:42:26 From Heidi Ullrich : https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/AFRALO/pages/104677906/Action+items%3Aitems+2019-09-04+AFRALO+Monthly+Teleconference
12:43:01 From Sarah Kiden : Yes, we had an informal session
12:44:14 From Olevie Kouami : S'il vous plaît dial out pour moi +22890988650
12:44:21 From Chokri ben romdhane : hi all sorry for the delay
12:44:34 From Olevie Kouami : Greetings from Lomé, Togo
12:45:05 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : Apologies, I would be leaving the meeting in about 30 mins as I have an urgent issue to attend too.
12:46:14 From Hamdan : hi all i am Hamdan from Chad
12:46:29 From Sarah Kiden : Welcome Hamdan!
12:51:50 From Heidi Ullrich : There was an excellent webinar on the PIR/ISOC issue yesterday. The details are at: https://icann-community.icann.orgatlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=123797527/99626910/2019-12-03+Consolidated+Policy+Working+Group+Single+Issue+Call+ISOC+Sells+PIR
12:53:13 From liz Orembo : are our proposals different from the CPWG?
12:53:48 From Heidi Ullrich : The CPWG call in about one hour will cover the ISOC/PIR issue - See the statement page at: https://icann-community.icann.org/display/alacpolicydevatlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacpolicydev/pages/102663093/At-Large+Workspace%3AWorkspace+ISOC+Sells+PIR
12:54:03 From liz Orembo : thanks.
12:54:36 From Heidi Ullrich : The agenda for the CPWG call is at: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99626829/2019-12-04+Consolidated+Policy+Working+Group+Call
12:57:51 From Hadia : Please comment on the wiki page
12:58:28 From Hadia : I am looking forward to incorporate all of your comments
13:05:18 From Hadia : yes tijani
13:06:25 From Oreoluwa Lesi : yes, that is Joan Katambi.
13:06:40 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : Please if you have any ideas please share with me, Dave and Tijani. And anyone who wants more details about it can also contact me so that I can give more details
13:07:40 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : Apologies I have to leave the meeting now as I have an issue to attend too. my applogies
13:08:22 From davekissoondoyal : The FY21 Additional Budget Request (ABR) process is now open.
The FY21 Additional Budget Request (ABR) process is now open.
The At-Large FY21 Budget Development Workspace (see: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99628801/At-Large+FY21+Budget+Development+Workspace)
RALOs are to review any ALS request or complete a template on behalf of the RALO prior to being sent to At-Large Staff by the deadline of Monday, 6 January 2020.
13:09:29 From Abdulkarim Oloyede : Congrats to Mr Aina on his award
13:10:35 From Heidi Ullrich : These are all excellent updates! :) Great job!
13:12:29 From Remmy Nweke : @Yazid, please drop us a brief on your forthcoming event for the newsletter (300 words max) Thanks
13:13:07 From Remmy Nweke : @Joan Katambi please drop us a brief on your forthcoming event for the newsletter (300 words max) Thanks
13:13:51 From Olevie Kouami : Je disais que nous allons participer à notre FGI National qui va se dérouler le 14 décembre à Lomé
13:14:31 From Olevie Kouami : Le thème est Gouvernance de l'internet et protection des données
13:15:10 From Olevie Kouami : Et aussi organiser une activité de sensibilisation et de prem
13:17:22 From Abdrahamane Samba SIDIBE : Bonjour à tous, Olivie Kouami est ce qu'il prévu de pouvoir suivre en ligne ce FGI?
13:17:42 From Heidi Ullrich : Activities at the IGF: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99626243/At-Large+Outreach+Activities+at+IGF+2019+Berlin
13:17:58 From Olevie Kouami : Promotion des Tic avec l'association des professionnels togolais en TIC dont je suis le Secrétaire Général depuis sa création en 2006. Je m'apprête à céder mon fauteuil vu que je réside dorénavant au Sénégal pour mes activités professionnelles.
13:18:34 From Olevie Kouami : Merci
13:19:03 From Sarah Kiden : https://dig.watch/events/14th-internet-governance-forum
13:19:47 From Sarah Kiden : That is the report for the DiploFoundation reports
13:20:58 From Sarah Kiden : Yes, the booth as well :-)
13:21:52 From Olevie Kouami : Please who is speaking ?
13:22:08 From FSylla : It was Tijani
13:23:23 From Bakary KOUYATE : Nous (ISOC MALI) sommes en train d’exécuter le projet Débatteurs en herbe. Débatteur est un projet qui vise à mettre en débat contradictoire les établissements secondaires entre eux et les écoles supérieures entre elles sur la protection de la vie privée numérique sur les réseaux sociaux. L’un défend le pour et l’autre défend le contre. L’établissement le moins convaincant sera éliminé
13:23:34 From Olevie Kouami : OK. Thank you Fatimata
13:24:10 From Sarah Kiden : Sorry, old hand
13:24:58 From Heidi Ullrich : At-Large ICANN66 workspace: https://icann-community.icann.org/display/atlargeatlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99626277/ICANN66+-+Montreal+Meeting+-+November+2019
13:27:13 From Heidi Ullrich : Post ATLAS III activities: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/ATLAS3/pages/101814915/Post-ATLAS+III+Activities
13:28:46 From Olevie Kouami : Parfait Michel
13:30:46 From FSylla : yes
13:30:47 From Hadia : yes seun
13:31:01 From davekissoondoyal : yes
13:31:36 From Sarah Kiden : @Staff, Bram is requesting for a dial-out
13:31:37 From Seun Ojedeji : Thanks for the experience sharing Bukky
13:32:18 From davekissoondoyal : yes
13:32:21 From Jules NIZEYIMANA : oui
13:32:22 From Yazid AKANHO : @Remmy, I will send it by end of this week. Thanks
13:33:15 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you for the updates Bukola, Michel, Raymond and Bakery
13:33:54 From Michel TCHONANG : Thank Sarah
13:34:00 From Olevie Kouami : Thank you Bukola
13:34:36 From Michelle DeSmyter : Thank you Sarah - we will dial out to Bram
13:35:00 From Hadia : Thank you Yaovi for the link
13:35:01 From Bob Ochieng’s iPhone : recording of the webinar is here: http://ftp.adigo.com/clients/icann/20191126_Africa_ICANN66_
13:35:42 From Hadia : Bob the web link is not working
13:35:46 From Bob Ochieng’s iPhone : http://ftp.adigo.com/clients/icann/20191126_Africa_ICANN66_
13:36:21 From Sarah Kiden : @Hadia we also have the links to the recordings on the agenda for this meeting
13:36:32 From MORIAM SULAIMON to Michelle DeSmyter (Privately) : ok
13:36:32 From Hadia : yes I know thanks sarah
13:36:33 From Bukola Oronti : Thank you Seun, All. sorry about the network malfunction from my end.
13:36:35 From Seun Ojedeji : http://ftp.adigo.com/clients/icann/20191126_Africa_ICANN66Readout_EN.zip
13:36:49 From Olevie Kouami : Thank you Yaovi
13:37:09 From Bukola Oronti : will share the link to my views with the community in days
13:37:11 From Adam Ahmat Doungous : je voudrai dial out sur 0023566431562
13:38:18 From Bakary KOUYATE : Dans l’ensemble l’évènement s’est très bien déroulé du point de vue organisationnel, hébergement, restauration etc. Par rapport au cours en ligne ils étaient très intéressants mais en réalité je n’ai pas trouvé assez de relation directe avec la formation que nous avons suivie Ces cours étaient axés sur le connaissances générales d’ICANN tels les noms de domaines, le GNSO, le CCNSO, le Gac etc. Mais par contre les contenus enseignés par David ont été très enrichissants dans la mesure où nous sommes tous des leaders d’organisation. Qui parle de leadership parle de défis, des problèmes, de gestion de conflits etc. C’est l’occasion pour moi de notifier ma gratitude à toute l’équipe d’organisation spécialement à Madame Gisella pour le travail abattu.
13:38:23 From Chokri ben romdhane : did the strategy wg already formed ?
13:38:26 From Caleb Ogundele : @Bob the link is not working... Please post another good link
13:39:33 From Sarah Kiden : @Caleb, the links have also been posted on the agenda. The presentation too
13:39:42 From Sarah Kiden : The same links Bob is posting
13:40:08 From Olevie Kouami : Thank Caleb, and all
13:40:08 From Caleb Ogundele : OK great. I will check it out.
13:40:57 From Sarah Kiden : @Haroun, we can discuss offline
13:41:04 From Raymond Mamattah : My brother i applied about 4 times before I got selected. Keep trying sir. You will become a fellow soon!
13:41:04 From Caleb Ogundele : We can have a conversation with him and help with review of his application offline
13:41:32 From Caleb Ogundele : @Haroun We can have a conversation with him and help with review of his application offline.
13:41:37 From Yazid AKANHO : I applied up to 6 times and probably more before getting selected
13:42:03 From Caleb Ogundele : Also you have many fellowship veterans on the list who can help
13:42:07 From Sarah Kiden : Woohooo, very first newsletter https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/AFRALO/pages/104641319/AFRALO+Newsletter. Thank you for your leadership Remmy!
13:42:21 From Yazid AKANHO : But I would just suggest you to stay engaged, your engagement should not be guided by fellowship
13:42:35 From davekissoondoyal : Congrats Remmy, Sarah and team
13:42:41 From Sarah Kiden : @Haroun, I see Raymond, Caleb and Yazid already sharing their experiences. We can continue sharing after the call
13:42:52 From Olevie Kouami : Please Remmy, what about the french release
13:43:19 From Michel TCHONANG : Good job and congrat for all the team
13:44:07 From Chokri ben romdhane : @bob did the african strategy wg is already formed ?if not how could i join?
13:45:14 From Olevie Kouami : Noted
13:45:16 From Remmy Nweke : @Olevie, I should be the one asking you about that. Based on our outline, French translation will be a week after Icann66.
13:45:52 From Seun Ojedeji : @staff can the email to send newsletter content to be shared in the chat?
13:45:59 From Heidi Ullrich : @Sarah, so should staff set up an AFRALO webinar in the week of 16 Dec?
13:46:37 From Sarah Kiden : @Heidi, yes. That sounds okay. We can reach out to the speakers
13:46:52 From Sarah Kiden : We can put it as an action item
13:47:11 From Remmy Nweke : @Davekissoondoyal, Thanks
13:47:13 From Sarah Kiden : Also another action item to finalise the French version of the first version of the newsletter
13:47:16 From Heidi Ullrich : @All, to send info for the newsletter, please send a note to: Mailing list : afralo-newsletter@icann.org
13:47:51 From Hadia : @tijani let us first see who is making the prposal
13:47:54 From Bob Ochieng’s iPhone : Thats Abdelgalila
13:48:03 From Bob Ochieng’s iPhone : from Egypt
13:48:10 From Sarah Kiden : Yes, Galila
13:48:26 From Remmy Nweke : @heidi, I did but mail not delivered and looks it needs approval before distribution can be done
13:48:47 From Sarah Kiden : @Staff, please dial out to Adam on this number 0023566431562 (French channel)
13:49:34 From Hadia : Maybe it is sufficient to have one speaker at the webinar
13:49:50 From Bakary KOUYATE : Can you add me to the Mailing list : afralo-newsletter@icann.org My email is bkouyate@gmail.com
13:50:39 From Sarah Kiden : @Bakary, we shall follow up after the call
13:50:57 From Bakary KOUYATE : Ok,
13:51:02 From Hadia : @sarah yes galila
13:51:07 From Heidi Ullrich : FY20 funding : https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99635254/FY20+RALO+Requests+for+Funding+to+support+an+Outreach+Activity
13:51:29 From Heidi Ullrich : https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99628801/At-Large+FY21+Budget+Development+Workspace
13:54:46 From Hadia : Thank you all - I shall need to leave now
13:55:09 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you, Hadia!
13:56:50 From Sarah Kiden : Thank you all. Merci! See you on email and on the next call
13:56:53 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks!
13:56:58 From Heidi Ullrich : Merci!
13:57:00 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : merci
13:57:04 From Daniel K. Nanghaka : Happy New Year
13:57:10 From FSylla : Thank you.
13:57:18 From FSylla : Happy New Year
13:57:19 From Remmy Nweke : @Heidi, we shall appreciate refund coming sooner
13:57:19 From Chokri ben romdhane : pleas @seun would please answer my question
13:57:21 From Remmy Nweke : Bye
13:57:21 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks Chair and all .. Merry X-Mas and a Happy New Year .. Bye
13:57:37 From Bakary KOUYATE : Merci a tous et au revoir
13:57:41 From Barrack Otieno : bye
13:57:53 From Gabriel Bombambo : au-revoir