Sub-group Members: Avir Doria, David McAuley, Greg Shatan, Kate Wallace, Samantha Eisner, Kavouss Arasteh
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: \ Malcolm Hutty
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **
1. Admin/Attendance/SOI;
2. Status of timing issue/input from ICANN Legal;
3. Status of ICANN Legal/Policy teams with respect to SO/AC education re: IRP roles;
4. Update by David of issues/comments ready for posting on list for First Reading (and to be on agenda next call as such):
a. Joinder;
b. Panel Conflict of Interest;
c. Retroactivity:
i. Rules;
ii. Substantive standard.
5. Challenges to Consensus policy;
6. Call for volunteers;
7. AOB
Raw Caption Notes*
*Note that these are the unofficial transcript. Official transcript will be posted 2-3 days after the call
- (none)
Action Items:
- DM – encourage participants to analyze comments
- Staff – Prepare a sign-up sheet for analyzing comments
- Participants – Sign up for analyzing an issue.
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer:Good day and welcome to IRP-IOT Meeting #21 on 11 May 2017 @ 13:00 UTC!
David McAuley:dialing in
David McAuley:Greg - i will be on audio at 3 or 4 past the top of hour
David McAuley:we are waiting another moment or two for more to join
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Hello all
Greg Shatan:Hi all.
avri doria:i think there would be a real chilling effect on threatening to shifts costs to an amici
avri doria:i was going to raise my hand but would say essentially what Greg has said.
Samantha Eisner:I share many of Greg's concerns on this too
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:time check - 25 minutes left in call
Greg Shatan:We should not have a "Merrick Garland Rule."
Samantha Eisner:I also agreed with Greg's suggestion of "time off" between terms
Samantha Eisner:if a one term renewal is not appropriate
Greg Shatan:I.e., Panelists should not be disqualified from taking on cases in the last x months of their terms.
Greg Shatan:The old green tick, it ain't what it used to be....
Samantha Eisner:ICANN does not control the re-appoinment process on its own; it would be the community process as well
David McAuley:fair points thank you
Greg Shatan:Sorry I missed the last call....
Samantha Eisner:The conflict of interest procedures from the ICDR would also apply. No concern about the addition of the language as shown here
avri doria:But it will still be the Board making the final decsion of renewal of a standing panelist. I am not so much worried about ICANN ORG as I am the Board. And yes, it did occur to me pessimism took a dim view of our prpsective panaelists. But a job is a job and peple tend to try and keep their jobs.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Time check - 10 minutes left on call
Greg Shatan:We should make independence one of the criteria/requirements for panelists. I also think that bad behavior in pandering to ICANN Org. or the Board could be hard to hide.
avri doria:there we differ Greg. for the clever, pandering is easy to hide.
avri doria:and indeed they may be pandering to the community.
Greg Shatan:That may be but I think less drastic measures should be sufficient, and with less downside (i.e., dq'ing all panelists).
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:bye all
Greg Shatan:Bye all!
David McAuley:bye all