Members: Ray Bellis, Marc Blanchet, John Bond, Ray Gilstrap, Shane Kerr, Ramet Khalili, Suresh Krishnaswamy, Warren Kumari, Robert Martin-Legene, Daniel Migault, Russ Mundy, Abby Pan, Kaveh Ranjbar (Leader), Rao Naveed Bin Rais, Anand Raje, Davey Song, William Sotomayor, Ryan Stephenson, Ondrej Sury, Suzanne Woolf, and Romeo Zwart,.
Action items:
- Kaveh to send to the work party list the four areas of work and ask for volunteers to work on: 1) a methodology to address them, 2) any best practices that exists today.
- Kaveh to propose to the work party list the next work party meeting is to be on 10 January 2017 at 1500 UTC.
13 December 2016 Chat Room NotesStatus: Closed
Meeting Notes:
13 December 2016 Chat Room Notes
10 January 2017 Chat Room Notes
07 February 2017 Chat Room Notes
16 January 2018 Chat Room Notes
Google Doc: