Apologies: Wolf-Ulrich Knoben (joining late)Proposed Agenda: None
Proposed Agenda:
1. Roll call
2. Statements of Interest
3. Request for extension of full consensus call for GNSO Operating Procedures Proposed Revision Relating to Motions & Amendments
4. Discussion Subteam B : Chair/Vice-Chair Elections
5. AOB
1. Consensus call for GNSO Operating Procedures Proposed Revision Relating to Motions & Amendments -- request to extend to the 25 April. Action Item: Agreed. Extend to 25 April.
Note: Staff suggested that both these changes and those that may result from the Chair/Vice Chair discussion could be combined in one Public Comment period.
2. Discussion Subteam B : Chair/Vice-Chair Elections
Action Item 1: Agreed that 14 calendar days is the preferred option for scenarios 2, 3, and 4.
Action Item 2: Proposed new language for scenario 3: Replace "which may include the voting NCAs with "from within its respective House."
Also, scenario 2, option 2: "the House with a vacant Vice-Chair position shall designate an Interim Vice Chair from within this House to join..."
Scenario 4: "If both Houses should fail to temporarily fill the role of Vice Chair on an interim basis, [the] non-voting NCA -- unless being a Chair candidate - will be designated..."
Action Item 3: Ask for clarification from the IPC re: their suggestion. Action Item: Anne will take back to the IPC the comment that this could be an unnecessary complication. Amr also will ask the NCUC.
ISSUE 2, Scenario2: Agreed on Option 2, add text from Wolf-Ulrich, preferred deadline is 14 days.
Scenario 3: Preferred deadline is 14 days.
Scenario 4: "If both Houses should fail to temporarily fill the role of Vice Chair on an interim basis, [the] non-voting NCA -- unless being a Chair candidate -- will be designated..."
Preferred deadline is 14 days.
AOB: Next call. Usual schedule is two weeks. 05 May 1800 UTC.