Date: 14 March 2017
Time: 15:15 - 15:45 CET
Presentation: PDF PDF
Questions Received:
.uk: Do you feel, based on your research, if there is a high demand for a New gTLDs round and more releases?
CENTR: By looking at the number of registrations, market share or number of accredited registrars, one does not see if and how the second level domains are being used. Will the CCT RT look into usage stats? Would it be fair to say that if these stats would turn out to be significantly lower than legacy TLDs, this could be a indication of a lack of demand on a registrant level?
.nl: Do you think that we are going to stick to those three criteria that were defined a the beginning as the overall objective of the introduction of New gTLDs and going to evaluate against those before we take a decision on taking a new round or even on taking a decision if this round was successful, because if you do a quick calculation and divide the revenues that ICANN got from the auctions of new gTLDs by the total number of presently registered domain names under the new gTLDs you come at 45 dollars a domain name which is I'm sure more than anybody else has earned with this all program. So it seems that we are pumping money in a specific direction mainly which makes it even more important to really judge the success of this program against these criteria?