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Proposed agenda for RDS PDP WG meeting on Wednsday 9 March 16:00 UTC

Refer to this page: Next-Generation RDS PDP F2F Meeting - Marrakech


For links to Audio Stream Archive, VM Room Stream Archive, and Transcript:

Notes/Action items 9 March 2016 - Next–Generation RDS PDP WG Meeting



Action Item #1: Small team to review membership survey results and make recommendations on needed outreach (if any)


3. Overview and Q&A on process framework (16.30-16.45)

  • Process Framework: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/56986648101515364/next-generation-rds-framework-26apr15-en.pdf
  • Overview Slides: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/58729196101516387/RDS-Process-Framework-Overview-090316.pdf
  • Refer also to backgrounder distributed on email list:
  • First 5 questions are fundamental; next 6 are cross-cutting
  • Recommended order reflects inter-dependencies; thought to be very important during phase 2-3 if the WG splits into subteams
  • During phase 1, order is meaningful but may need to be more fluid and iterative to come to a shared understanding
  • How does the WG know when it is finished with phase 1? The charter tasked the GNSO Council with questions to test whether sufficient progress has been made to continue to next phases
  • Note that requirements developed in phase 1 can potentially include a requirement for a process to add new users or purposes, if the WG chooses
  • New consensus policies developed in phase 1 can change the RDDS (whois) requirements currently specified in the 2013 RAA. Where there is a policy change, consensus policy trumps contract requirements, but implementation of policy must then take place (for example, Thick WHOIS policy)
  • Consensus policies developed by this PDP must be within the remit of this PDP (that is, pertain to registration directory services). However, any question within that scope can be considered by this WG, including new questions not currently listed in the charter
  • Where does RDAP fit into this PDP? System model, data elements, and implementation guidance
  • How do ongoing accuracy improvements fit into this PDP? WHOIS ARS is an input to the question about accuracy; will need to coordinate with continuing improvements
  • Users/Purposes covers not just who should have access but also why they should have access (that is, for what purpose). There is an error in that question on the slide; the charter takes precedence. This first question is intended to include what is the purpose of gTLD registration directory services (but the WG can clarify or add questions as part of its work)
  • Where do IDNs and translation/transliteration fit into the PDP? System mode, but again this needs to be coordinated with ongoing work in that area
  • Another important question is the overarching purpose of gTLD registration directory services
  • Does the charter ask the WG to decide whether a new protocol is needed in phase 1? No, it tasks the WG with recommending a whether an entire new system is needed - which may or may not include a new protocol such as RDAP.


  • Draft work plan reviewed during this part of the meeting:  https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/56986784101516113/Draft-Phase1-WorkPlan-29February2016.pdf
  • Some initial tasks in the work plan have been completed, such as Task 1, 5
  • Task 2 (membership review) is underway
  • Task 4 (input review) is ongoing but is important for all WG members to start.
  • Task 6 (work plan) - the topic of this session.
  • Task 7 (outreach) is underway.
  • Tasks 8-10 (possible requirements) will start after the work plan drafting completes.
  • Task 12 (deliberation on fundamental requirements) will be a big part of the WG"s work.
  • Tasks 13+ depend on initial recommendation for question 12.h: Is a next gen RDS needed or can the existing WHOIS system be modified to satisfy requirements?
  • When will group revise the process framework? It won't, but it will decide how to apply the framework to the work plan and deliberation on possible requirements (see Task 11)
  • Proposal: Examine only a limited set of purposes and the data elements for those purposes and application of data protection laws to that data before considering all other purposes and their data elements.
  • There are several proposals that have been made on the list, need to consider all.
  • When can additional questions be added? May occur during Task 12 as the group deliberates and determines that a requirement for gTLD registration directory services does not fit into existing questions.


5. Q&A (17.30-18.00)


Reference Materials




