LACRALO January Monthly Meeting
Interpretation: EN, ES, PT
Recording: EN, ES, PT PT
Adobe Connect Chat Transcript: EN
Transcription: EN, ES, PT PT
ES: Johnny LaureanoCristian Casas, Aida Noblia, Carlos Aguirre, Humberto Carrasco, Tatiana Toculescu , Humberto Carrasco, Alberto Soto, Johnny Laureano, Fatima Cambronero, Tatiana Toculescu, Carlos Aguirre, Gilberto Lara, Ricardo Holmquist, Raitme Citterio, Alfredo Lopez, Philippe Boland
EN: Carlton Samuels, Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Alyne Andrade
Apologies: Leon Sanchez, Maritza Aguero Minano, Juan Manuel Rojas, Sergio Salinas Porto, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Natalia Enciso, Alan Greenberg, Jose Francisco Arce
Silvia Vivanco, Rodrigo Saucedo ,Terri Agnew
Call management: Terri Agnew
ES: Veronica and David
PT: Esperanza and Pettina
1. Bienvenida. Alberto Soto 1’
8. Documentos en revisión: Humberto Carrasco 5’
a.- Propuesta de procedimiento de LACRALO para la elaboración, emisión y publicación de Declaraciones.
b.- Propuesta de programa de reclutamiento de nuevas ALSs.
c.- Propuesta sobe métricas.
9. Informes grupos de trabajo:
Grupo Gobernanza: Sergio Salinas Porto 10’
IANA Transition
: Alberto Soto 2’
10. Informe acerca de NomCom Sylvia Herlein 15’
11. Elecciones LACRALO – Humberto Carrasco – 5’
12. ALAC Policy Development Activities -
(TBD - 10 minutes)
- Statements approved by the ALAC:
- ICANN Draft Five-Year Operating Plan - Adopted, 15Y, 0N, 0A
- Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
- Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Initial Report - ALAC commenting on Statement
- IDN TLDs - LGR Procedure Implementation - Maximal Starting Repertoire Version 2 - Satish Babu drafting a Statement
- Statements that seem to be stalled:
- None
- Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements:
- Release of Country and Territory Names within the .BMW and .MINI TLDs - Reply period ends on 23 January 2015
- IDN TLD Program - Label Generation Ruleset (LGR) Tool Project (P1) - LGR Tool Set Specifications - Reply period ends on 23 January 2015
- Proposed Renewal of .JOBS Sponsored TLD Registry Agreement - Reply period ends on 20 January 2015
- Release of Country and Territory Names within the .DVAG, .TUI, .SPIEGEL, .ALLFINANZ and .FLSMIDTH TLDs - Reply period ends on 18 February 2015
- New Public Comment requests requiring decision:
- Potential Change to Registrar Accreditation Insurance Requirement - holly.raiche, evan.leibovitch & Tijani BEN JEMAA considering drafting a Statement
- IDN TLDs - LGR Procedure Implementation - Guidelines for Designing Script-Specific Label Generation Rules (LGR) - satish.babu considering drafting a Statement
- WHOIS Accuracy Pilot Study Report - holly.raiche considering drafting a Statement
- Annual IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process Review - satish.babu and Maureen considering drafting a Statement
- Statements approved by the ALAC:
13.Otros temas -5’
1. Welcome. Alberto Soto 1 '
2. Staff 2'
3. Adoption of agenda. Humberto Carrasco, 2'
4. Training: Rodrigo Saucedo - - Update GSE Strategy. 20 '(ppt)
5. Review of Action Items: Humberto Carrasco 5 '
a.- Survey to determine the professional capacities of the region.
b.- Regional Map of Events to be prepared by Alberto Soto Humberto Carrasco and GSE.
c.- Silvia Vivanco in coordination with Alberto Soto / Humberto Carrasco organize webinar (s) to present and discuss LACRALO documents open for public comment.
6. GSE-LACRALO Capacity Building Webinars 20 '- Alberto Soto - Humberto Carrasco
- There will be monthly webinar (Last week of February or first week of March until June . It will be interactive and at the end there will be a survey completed electronically.
- The first topics are: GAC and individual Internet user; Whois; (1 additional topic to be determined)
TO B - Future Goal: Get a certification of any University within our region. Future agreement.
- Proposal to have Diplomas delivery by ICANN every three webinars.
7. Survey to assess the professional expertise of the members of Lacralo. Humberto Carrasco 3'
8. Documents Review: Humberto Carrasco 5 '
a.- LACRALO Proposed procedure for the preparation, issuance and publication of statements:
b.- Proposal Recruitment of new ALS :
c.- Proposal about metrics:
9. Reports workgroups:
Governance Group: Sergio Salinas Porto 10 '
IANA Transition: Alberto Soto 2 '
10. Report on NomCom Sylvia Herlein 15 '
11. LACRALO Elections - Humberto Carrasco - 5 '
12. ALAC Policy Development Activities -
(TBD - 10 minutes)
- Statements approved by the ALAC:
- ICANN Draft Five-Year Operating Plan - Adopted, 15Y, 0N, 0A
- Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote:
- Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information PDP Initial Report - ALAC commenting on Statement
- IDN TLDs - LGR Procedure Implementation - Maximal Starting Repertoire Version 2 - Satish Babu drafting a Statement
- Statements that seem to be stalled:
- None
- Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements:
- Release of Country and Territory Names within the .BMW and .MINI TLDs - Reply period ends on 23 January 2015
- IDN TLD Program - Label Generation Ruleset (LGR) Tool Project (P1) - LGR Tool Set Specifications - Reply period ends on 23 January 2015
- Proposed Renewal of .JOBS Sponsored TLD Registry Agreement - Reply period ends on 20 January 2015
- Release of Country and Territory Names within the .DVAG, .TUI, .SPIEGEL, .ALLFINANZ and .FLSMIDTH TLDs - Reply period ends on 18 February 2015
- New Public Comment requests requiring decision:
- Potential Change to Registrar Accreditation Insurance Requirement - holly.raiche, evan.leibovitch & Tijani BEN JEMAA considering drafting a Statement
- IDN TLDs - LGR Procedure Implementation - Guidelines for Designing Script-Specific Label Generation Rules (LGR) - satish.babu considering drafting a Statement
- WHOIS Accuracy Pilot Study Report - holly.raiche considering drafting a Statement
- Annual IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process Review - satish.babu and Maureen considering drafting a Statement
- Statements approved by the ALAC:
13. AOB - 5 '