Date: Thursday, 09 November 2023
Time: 06:00 - 07:30 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)
How do I participate in this meeting?
English Conference ID = 1638
Cheryl Langdon-Orr, At-Large Leader, based in Australia
Maureen Hilyard, APRALO, based in Cook Islands
Shita Laksmi, ICANN78 Fellow, based in Indonesia
Jennifer Chung, GNSO Councillor, Registry Stakeholder Group, based in Hong Kong
Russell Woruba , representing GAC PNG, based in Papua New Guinea (PNG)
Atsushi ENDO, ccNSO, based in Japan
Panelists & Moderator Profiles
Maureen Hilyard APRALO member since 2010. Former ALAC Chair and Vice Chair. Recently established as the APRALO rep on the NomCom. Key interests are the At-Large Outreach and Operations working groups. Currently the ALAC member on the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP) Working Group. Resuming interest in a former ALAC role on the Auction Proceeds Cross Community Working Group as ICANN works on its mechanism for distributing a portion of these funds for DNS-related projects. Day job is a Development Consultant in the Cook Islands currently working out of the Office of the Prime Minister. | |
Shita Laksmi was a first time Fellow at ICANN78. She have been working in the development field for more than 20 years, most of which she spent working with international organizations. In 2017, she starts to work in semi-government agencies and educational institutions. Shita has excellent knowledge of multistakeholder processes and solid experience in leading people at the national and international levels. Currently She is Southeast Asia Representative of Diplo Foundation and Executive Director of Tiffa Foundation. | |
Jennifer Chung is the Director of Corporate Knowledge for DotAsia Organisation. Ms. Chung represents .Asia Registry in the multistakeholder bottom-up policy development processes in the Registry Stakeholder Group at ICANN. She works on Internationalized Domain Names policies, previously as part of the CJK coordination for Label Generation Rules for the Han script, and currently on the ICANN IDN Expedited Policy Development Process (IDN EPDP) which will make policy recommendations on the definition and management of IDN variant Top Level Domains. | |
Russell Woruba Member of the ICANN’s Government Advisory Committee (GAC) on behalf of PNG Government. His primary role is to provide advice to ICANN on issues of public policy. Currently He is Deputy Secretary for PNG Department of Information and Communications Technology. | |
Atsushi Endo has been with Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd (JPRS), the .jp ccTLD Manager since 2001. Currently, as a General Manager of Corporate Planning Office, he is in charge of designing strategic plan and business administration of JPRS. Atsushi is long time participant of ICANN community. His first participation for ICANN meeting was ICANN 32 in Paris on 2008 and he has been regular attendee and participant of the ICANN Meeting since ICANN 40 in San Francisco in 2011. | |
Cheryl Langdon-Orr has been involved with ICANN since its earliest days. She has served in a number of capacities in several parts of our Multistakeholder Community over this time including several Leadership roles and has contributed to many aspects of the work of ICANN ranging from GNSO policy development processes, to ICANN-wide organizational reviews, and ICANN org operations, finance and budgeting matters. For more information on her ICANN specific activities please see her wiki home page < cheryl.langdon-orr/ > |
Takeaways from APRALO ICANN78 Readout
By Shah, Pavel Farhan and Justine Chew
09 November 2023
The APRALO ICANN78 Readout served as a vital forum where stakeholders from our Asian, Australasian &-Pacific Islands region (AP Region) engaged in meaningful dialogue. This platform facilitated valuable discussions that aimed to deepen understanding and advocate for improvements in Internet governance and policies, particularly within the remit of ICANN. Among the key observations shared and pivotal topics addressed were:
1.Sub-Regional Representation and Engagement:
- Increased Pacific presence at ICANN 78: There was notable excitement about the increased participation from the Pacific at the ICANN 78 meeting, indicating a positive shift compared to previous years. This bodes well for significant enhanced engagement of Pacific members within APRALO and ICANN, potentially fostering increased participation and collaboration in future initiatives.
- Importance of Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC): PICISOC serves as a crucial connection among small island nations in the Pacific, fostering communication, cooperation and collaboration. The involvement of key individuals like Save Vocea from GSE and Andrew Molivuare from Vanuatu in relevant meetings was highlighted, demonstrating the active engagement of representatives from these nations.
- Collaborative Efforts within the Pacific Space: The discussion highlighted the collaborative efforts within the Pacific region. The involvement of various individuals in different capacities, including contributions from Pua Hunter and Russell Woruba within the GAC, was noted. There was a shared sentiment about the importance of regional communities learning more about ICANN and engaging actively, especially through avenues like ICANN fellowships.
2. Sustainability and Celebrations:
- APRALO's role in ICANN's 20-year celebration: APRALO's involvement in ICANN's milestone anniversary was particularly emphasized, recognizing its significant role in the history of ICANN and At-Large, and its growth from strength to strength.
- Emphasis on Sustainability for the Future: The conversation highlighted the importance of sustainability, underscoring the need for continuing efforts in maintaining and enhancing APRALO's impact and presence in the coming years. This seems a tad light and we could note say the opportunity to build on previous interactions such as the presentation from doAsia at a previous APAC Space.
3.GNSO & Policy Development Processes :
- Progress in the EPDP on Internationalized Domain Names: Discussion centered on the significant strides made in the Expedited Policy Development Process in Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs-EPDP), reaching substantial milestones in phase one and anticipating the conclusion of phase two in 06 - 08 December 2023 F2F workshop in Kuala Lumpur.
- DNS Abuse Mitigation: There was excitement about the passing of voting thresholds related to proposed amendments to the Base Registry Agreement and Registrar Accreditation Agreement in respect of the tightening of DNS Abuse mitigation obligations by the Contracted Parties.
4. DNS Forum and Local Participation:
- Hosting the DNS Forum in the Pacific: Participants expressed enthusiasm about bringing the DNS Forum to the Pacific region, considering it as an opportunity for increased local participation and understanding of key internet policy development and internet governance matters within the community there. Specific plans were mentioned for a DNS forum in May 2024, inviting key stakeholders and participants from the ICANN community, potentially providing a platform for regional discussions, collaborations and way forward to identify upcoming challenges in regards to DNS.
5. Engagement with DNS Research Federation and Collaborative Assessments:
- DNS Research: The intention to collaborate further with the DNS Research Federation was highlighted, indicating plans to invite them for an assessment of the internet ecosystem in Papua New Guinea and potentially extending this assessment to other Commonwealth countries in the region. This collaboration seeks to understand and possibly enhance the country's DNS routing infrastructure.
- Importance of Leveraging Collaborations: The significance of leveraging various stakeholders, including entities like auDA (.au Domain Administration), to promote growth and development in the internet ecosystem was underscored as a positive way to involve government bodies without having them exert control over the ecosystem.
6. Policy Advocacy and Learning Processes:
- Advocacy for Universal Acceptance: There was a notable emphasis on advocating for universal acceptance, especially in a diverse linguistic landscape like Indonesia, which boasts over 300 languages. Participants discussed potential follow-ups related to IDNs in context of the planned Balinese, Javanese and Pegon script Label Generation Rules proposal for IDNs at the second level, aiming to address greater non-latin based language inclusivity in domain names and email addresses.
- Active Engagement in ICANN Community: Various individuals expressed their commitment to active participation and learning within the ICANN community, demonstrating an interest in specific areas of focus and willingness to engage and contribute within APRALO and other ICANN bodies.
- Learning the ICANN Policy-making Processes: Participants acknowledged the importance of understanding the policy-making processes to advocate the needs of end-users, and examining the practical application of these policies to meet end user requirements effectively.
7. ICANN Governance and Collaborative Actions:
- Encouragement of Collaborative Actions: There was a shared sentiment about the importance of collaborative actions among stakeholders, emphasizing the need for routine discussions, coordination, and strategic planning, especially given limited resources. Increased interaction among stakeholders was seen as a means to achieve more strategic roles in broader ICANN discussions.
- Efforts for Regional Connectivity: Participants highlighted various collaborative efforts within the Pacific region, including involvement in the GAC, engagement with regional internet societies, and strategic partnerships, aiming to enhance regional connectivity and representation within ICANN and APRALO.
Potential Next Steps for further development / follow-up by APRALO
1 . Regional Representation and Engagement:
a. APRALO LT should ensure that the Pacific community continues to engage in APRALO activities, such as APRALO monthly calls, the APF and other activities like UA Day 2024 .
b. APRALO can bridge the pacific community with the APAC GSE team for any specific project for further development and or capacity building or outreach event.
2. Sustainability:
a. APRALO should develop an operating plan that is consistent with At-Large goals to support policy discussions, outreach and engagement for socializing across the ICANN community in the AP Region.
3. Policy Development Processes:
a. APRALO should continue to emphasize participation in APRALO policy fora and ALAC’s weekly call CPWG and OFB-WG. Furthermore to engage in PDPs of strategic interest to the AP region.
4. DNS Forum and Local Participations:
a. APRALO might provide topic suggestions and session planning in upcoming DNS Forums, including proposing appropriate speakers in support of the DNS Forum being hosted in the Pacific.
5. Policy Advocacy and Learning Processes:
a. APRALO may introduce different modules of ICANN learning courses for future learning and development for those enthusiastic participants.
b. Encourage APF and APRALO members to join APF on a regular basis and become members of APF for further development and contribution through APF call.
6. ICANN Governance and Collaborative Actions: