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Image Added Consult the pre-ICANN68 Policy Report The purpose of this report is to summarize policy activities and meeting or session highlights across the ICANN policy development community – including the ccNSO - taking place at ICANN68.
Tuesday, 23 June |
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Time: UTC | Session | Slide decks & how to join remotely (Links to the relevant section on the ICANN public schedule) | 08:1009:30 UTCGovernance models of ccTLD Managers |
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| Governance models |
for of ccTLD managers (part 1) | 07:00-08:10 UTC Session Chair: Katrina Sataki (.lv) - Introduction by the Session Chair: Data, data, and more data
- ccTLD panel discussion, moderated by Nick Wenban-Smith (.uk)
- Not-for profit organisation: Philip DuBois (.be) - For profit company: Atsushi Endo
Atsushi - (.jp)
- Academic institution: Jorge Adrián Azzario Hernández (.mx) - Governmental institution: Angela Matlapeng (.bw)
| how to join remotely, copy of the slide decks, recordings (Links to the relevant section on the ICANN public schedule) |
The ICANN68 public schedule includes details on how to join each of the sessions, as well as the materials used during those sessions. The website will reflect session times based on your local device time and the UTC time will be listed in the session descriptions
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08:10-08:2508:25-09:30 | (15 min) |
Governance models |
for of ccTLD managers (part 2) | 08:25-09:30 UTC Session Chair: Katrina Sataki (.lv) - Findings of a recent study by Pablo Rodriguez (.pr)
- Q&A moderated by Nick Wenban-Smith (.uk)
Wednesday, 24 June 2020 |
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Time: UTC | Session | Slide decks & how to join remotely (Links to the relevant section on the ICANN public schedule) | 00:30-01:30| 00:30-03:00 UTCThe DNS in times of COVID-19: the ccTLD experience |
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| The DNS in times of COVID-19: the ccTLD experience (part 1) | 00:30-01:30 UTC Session Chair: Alejandra Reynoso (.gt)
- The TLD-OPS business continuity playbook in times of COVID-19. Jacques Latour (.ca) & Regis Masse (.fr), with testimonials by Barbara Povše (.si) and Alejandra Reynoso (.gt)
- Running a ccTLD in crisis mode: from the political upheaval of 2019 to the pandemic of 2020. Patricio Poblete (.cl)
- IGLC contribution on capacity building. Pierre Bonis (.fr)
| how to join remotely, copy of the slide decks, recordings (Links to the relevant section on the ICANN public schedule) |
The ICANN68 public schedule includes details on how to join each of the sessions, as well as the materials used during those sessions. The website will reflect session times based on your local device time and the UTC time will be listed in the session descriptions
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01:30-01:45 | break | 01:45-03:00 | break (15 min) |
The DNS in times of COVID-19: the ccTLD experience (part 2) | 01:45-03:00 UTC Session Chair: Alejandra Reynoso (.gt) - Introduction: What is DNS Abuse, and why is this topic relevant for ccTLD Managers? Nick Wenban-Smith (.uk)
- COVID-19 related issues from an ICANN perspective. John Crain (ICANN org)
- Regional Organisation panel discussion:
- AFTLD: Barrack Ottieno - APTLD: Leonid Todorov - CENTR: Peter Van Roste - LACTLD: Miguel Ignacio Estrada
Thursday, 25 June 2020 |
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Time: UTC | Session | Slide decks & how to join remotely (Links to the relevant section on the ICANN public schedule) | | 08:30-09:30 UTCQ&A with ccNSO appointed ICANN Board members |
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| Q&A with ccNSO appointed ICANN Board members | 08:30-09:30 Session Chair: Jordan Carter (.nz) The ICANN Board of Directors consists of sixteen voting directors, including two directors nominated by the ccNSO. Currently these two Board members are Chris Disspain and Nigel Roberts. Chris’s term ends at the end of ICANN69. In addition, other ICANN Board members with an association with a ccTLD are invited to this session: Becky Burr, Danko Jevtovic, Rafael Lito Ibarra. Moreover, Patricio Poblete will join us. Patricio will replace Chris at the end of ICANN69.
| how to join remotely, copy of the slide decks, recordings (Links to the relevant section on the ICANN public schedule) |
The ICANN68 public schedule includes details on how to join each of the sessions, as well as the materials used during those sessions. The website will reflect session times based on your local device time and the UTC time will be listed in the session descriptions
Virtual ccTLD News Session |
Tuesday, 2 June |
20202020 |
11:00 UTC | Session Chair: Barbara Povše (.si) For a copy of the presentation slides, click on the hyperlinks above. Consult the session recording here. |
19:00 UTC | Session Chair: Barbara Povše (.si) For a copy of the presentation slides, click on the hyperlinks above. Consult the session recording here. |