Sunday, 08 February 2015
ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session
- Discussion with Fadi Chehadé, ICANN President and CEO
- AI: Former user (Deleted) to convene a meeting to talk about the PICS in this Singapore meeting. Asked Alan Greenberg to select 2 members to talk about the pics.
- AI: Former user (Deleted) asked whether the ALSes can be a partner who can do consumer awareness with regards to gTLD. Former user (Deleted) will ask Sally Costerton to follow up with At Large how we can work together on awareness for gTLDs. (Background on this AI )Vanda raised issue of lack of knowledge even among companies regarding gtlds.
- AI: Former user (Deleted) suggested that At Large should pay attention to the issues of Net Mundial.
. Discussion with Xavier Calvez, ICANN CFO, including the FY16 AC/SO Special Request process, FY16 Budget process and ICANN Draft Five-Year Operating Plan
No AIs
. Meeting with the SSAC with Jim Galvin - Moderated by Julie Hammer, ALAC Liaison to the SSAC
No AIs
Hot Topic 1 - ICANN Accountability and Transparency
- AI: Alan Greenberg to [ kindly complete this AI]
- AI: Ad- Hoc WG to be formed on Accountability. RALOs should be part of the first conference call of the Ad-Hoc WG
Hot Topic 2 - NTIA IANA Functions' Stewardship Transition
- Yuliya: Suggested to have a summary of all the possible scenarios.
- Tijani: Suggested to split the work: 1) IANA and 2) Accountability
ICANN Meeting Strategy Update - Discussion with Meetings Staff
AI: Alan Greenberg to discuss the new meeting Strategy during the Thursday wrap up session.
Monday, 09 February 2015
ICANN Academy Working Group
AI: Chris Gift to revise the landing page according to the level of engagement. sandra.hoferichter and stakeholder group to allow to access each source and programme from multiple angles. (Discussion was to have different types of accessing depending on who you are. The same material is accessible through different means. Site should have several entries by communities, by specific programs, not restrictive.)
AI: sandra.hoferichter to remove Twitter feed and make a list of upcoming programmes (next 5). Include an evaluation
AI: Chris Gift to create an evaluation area on the page.[Sandra Hoferichter] (i.e. quotes from the community about programmes they attended)
AI: Chris Gift to add ‘activities’ to page on Mentoring (Mentoring Activities) AI: Chris Gift to consider if convenient to follow a person to see the level of activity of the person in the site.
AI: Sandra Hoferichter to follow up with ICANN staff on how to name this WG which is now a standing WG, for example a proposal was made “Academy Steering Committee”.
AI: [Sandra Hoferichter] A sub page incl. an online application form for the 2015 LTP, detailed criteria and other elements to be agreed on, shall be up and ready by the Buenos Aires meeting.
AI: Staff to change mailing list name to ICANN Academy (ensure that archive of current mailing list is kept)[Sandra Hoferichter] from to ICANN Academy Working (or similar)
AI: Sandra Hoferichter to follow up with staff to create a flyer for the LTP and organize outreach during the BA meeting (visiting AC/SO with the help of former LTP participants)
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
ALAC Meeting with the ccNSO
AI: Check into possible ways to collaboration with CCNSO. [Heidi to check on the
Liaisons to insert themselves proactively in the ccnso webinars ]
CCWG Accountability stream
AI: Keep the face to face meeting with the ccnso at this time.
ALAC/At Large meeting Effectiveness
1. Alan Greenberg asked people to come on time.
2. Holly Raiche will speak with each of the RALOs in the monthly meeting to explain the At Large Review.
3. CLO suggested the Regions to select a Regional Delegate as an integral part of the Review. By the end of the week to select 5 members. LAC part of the work party =Fatimata, Maureen, OCL, Fatima, and Edwardo... Next to add is RALO leader or the Regional Delegate... With HR, CLO & AG
4. ALAC part of the work party =Fatimata, Maureen, OCL, Fatima, and Edwardo... Next to add is RALO leader or the Regional Delegate... With HR, CLO & AG
At-Large Accessibility Working Group
Activities since our last F2 F meeting
1. AI: It was agreed that the Web Accessibility RFP for the At-Large Accessibility Working Group shared during the meeting was an outcome of the WG.
2. AI: Chris Mondini, Heidi and Silvia Vivanco will discuss with Norah Abusitta to analyze the WG’s outputs next week. Staff will brainstorm and find key people to push this forward.
3. Gunela’s document to be edited as follows: Primary objectives which were drafted a year ago. AI: Two additional columns: a) to have people working on a task and date of completion; b) another column for Notes.
4. AI: WG to review the work done by Glenn.
5. AI: Staff to post all documents presented in the WG WIKI page to review all documents presented by this WG.
6. FY 16 Budget Proposal for a Pilot program for real time captioning of Adobe Connect Workspace: Staff to record the names of the people supporting this request.
7. Satish supports proposal, for developing countries which is not their first language, Glenn, Judith, Siranush thinks that captioning should be only for Webinars.
8. AI: Glenn to work on the following survey Stocktake survey on ICANN’s actions on accessibility for people with disability in ICANN policy and processes. and circulate it among WG members:
APRALO Monthly meeting:
AI: Siranush to coordinate with At Large staff and APAC- Hub staff on topics and next steps in the Capacity Building.
AI: At Large Staff to post all the documents and presentations shown on the screen during the face to face meeting in the main APRALO wiki page.
AI: Ali AlMeshal designated person to work on the upcoming At Large Review
ALAC Work Part II
1. Status of the At Large Website Update
Ariel Liang and Laura to organize a webinar post Singapore to present on the progress of the At-Large website
AI: A Small group will be formed – At least 2 persons from each RALO, and then the ALT will propose something to ALAC.