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Saturday, 2 March 2024


No action items recorded. 

At-Large Leadership: Strategic Priorities and Metrics Work Session

 High-Level Notes

Cheryl Langdon-Orr introduced the background of metrics within the At-Large community referencing the recent At-Large Review.

Jonathan Zuck provided an update on ICANN's project management tool and also described a distributed model of distribution.

 szJonathan Zuck noted the process to develop metrics must need be objective. 

Cheryl Langdon-Orr noted that metrics should be: S.M.A.R.T = Specific; Measurable; Achievable; Relevant and Time based/bound


No action items recorded. 

At-Large Policy Discussion

High-Level Notes

Justine Chew provided key general updates on the Applicant Support Program (ASP).

Justine Chew noted focus will be on Section 5. 

Justine Chew answered questions regarding the deposit for successful ASP applicants

Justine Chew provided overview of what kind of support may be provided and the application evaluation phases and categories. There are still dependencies regarding this.

Justine Chew and Cheryl Langdon-Orr answered questions regarding the evaluation phases and categories. 

Justine Chew and Cheryl Langdon-Orr provided overview and answered questions regarding the ASP evaluation period. 

Justine Chew and Cheryl Langdon-Orr provided an overview of application fee reduction for successful applicants. 

Action Items

Create polls for ASP Handbook in subsequent CPWG call 

Sunday, 3 March 2024

Joint Session: ALAC-GAC 

High-Level Notes

Jonathan Zuck and Nico provided a welcome

Rosaline Kenny-Birch provided a brief history about the Applicant Support Program (ASP). Mentioned a linkage between ASP, UA, and IDNs, along with information about the challenges that the ASP program faced during the 2012 round. 

Tracy Hackshaw highlighted the importance of effective communications and outreach for the ASP. 

Justine Chew reiterated importance of providing public comment to on the Draft ASP handbook. Mentioned that there are dependencies to the launch of the ASP and the differences between previous round of ASP and the upcoming round of ASP. 

Tracy Hackshaw provided an overview of the IGO criteria for ASP, along with the types of support available to successful ASP applicants. 

Greg Shatan provided an overview about Supplemental Recommendation 17.2. 

Justine Chew highlighted the ALAC's position on ASP. Wants to ensure ASP is a success. Goal of increasing number of applicants from underserved regions. Awareness and funding are both areas of concern. Emphasized the need for an open communications plan that can be shared with the GAC and ALAC networks. 

Rosaline Kenny-Birch reiterated the importance of fostering diversity through the ASP. 

Justine highlighted two opportunities for GAC's participation in providing input about ASP handbook. These include cross-endorsement of statements and/or joint letter to the ICANN Board. 


  •  jonathan.zuck and the ALAC will work on DNSSEC materials to share with SSAC for their input. 

Monday, 4 March 2024

At-Large Leadership Working Session with NPOC Leadership


No action items recorded. 

 Tuesday, 5 March

At-Large Leadership Working Session on the ICANN Grant Program

High-Level Notes

Giovanni Seppia provided an overview of what the ICANN Grant Program is, its origin, and how the program is funded. 


Giovanni Seppia and Shayna Robinson answered questions regarding the financing of the program, the meaning of charitable status, application eligibility, required application information, the purpose of Board review of the application, application submission limits, and application cycles. 

Action Items

  •  Michelle DeSmyter and Gisella Gruber to schedule a 90 mins At-Large webinar on the Grant Program in the next few weeks. The announcement and call to be in EN/ES/FR. 

At-Large Regional Leaders Coordination session with RVPs


NARALO Chair Greg Shatan and RVP for North America Naela Sarras highlighted the FY24 NARALO achievements and also set out the outreach plans for FY25, including ICANN82 taking place in Seattle. 


  •  Silvia Vivanco to add Cross-RALO activities on the At-Large CIP page. 

Joint Session: ICANN Board & ALAC

High-Level Notes

Alan Greenberg asked the ICANN Board to provide clarification regarding the prohibition of former CCWG-AP members from applying for grants and would like to see the Board remove it for upcoming rounds of the grant program, including the first round. 


No action items recorded. 

NARALO Round Table  "DNS and Domain Abuse in the Digital Economy"  (At-Large Plenary hosted by NARALO)

High Level Notes: 

Graeme Bunton noted that he is optimistic that DNS abuse will be significantly reduced, especially if ICANN compliance uses the tools now available to them. 

Lareen Kapin provided Federal Trade Commission (FTC) fraud statistics.  She noted that imposter fraud (gov't and business) is the top type of fraud. People are losing significant funds related to crypto scams. Phishing is a key focus on scams that the FTC is looking at. Lareen noted that end users must be focused on as they are significantly harmed by scams. 

Ram Mohan discussed the activities on the ground including the type of mitigation. Phishing causes significant harm and the differences between taking it down within 6 hours vs 16 hours makes a key difference. We should be looking at median time for take down and focusing on reducing the time it takes to take down the phishing scam. Registrars are a key group that could help with this. If automatic algorithms could be employed to look for certain phrases and content, that would help. Context is also key here.  The contracted parties play a key role in helping here. There is an entire set of different players here that should be reached out to, such as hosting companies. The final point is that the goal is to mitigate and for our communities to look at ways that registrars help mitigate DNS abuse. The hours it takes to shut down a scam is dramatically higher the longer they are operating. 

Steve Crocker provided a description of DNS abuse relate to Project Jake, policies for collection and access to Registration data. He discussed the role of the registrar and the various bodies involved in making rules. 


At-Large Plenary Session 1: Internet Governance for the Sustainable Development Goals

High Level Notes: 

Pari Esfandiari and the panelist provided an introduction about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Pari Esfandiari asked the panelist questions regarding internet technologies, digital developments, and its relationship with SDGs. 

Panelist emphasized the importance of promoting and incorporating SDGs, digital equity, and a safe and secure internet.  

Panelist answered questions regarding SDGs and the role of different internet governance forums. 

Panelist highlighted the importance of the Multistakeholder Model, especially with the evolving digital landscape and upcoming internet governance discussions. 

Action Items: 

No action items recorded.

Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting

Action Items:

AFRALO Leadership to finalize the AFRALO-AfrICANN statement and send to Silvia Vivanco to post and forward to the Board. 

At-Large Plenary Session 2: Building Trust on the Internet through Registrant Verification 

High Level Notes:

Michael Palage & Avri Doria provided introduction about the topic of registration verification and an overview of the session. 

Finn Petersen provided information regarding NIS2 - Article 28, which impacts registrant data collection and the type of data that can be collected. WHOIS data that's been collected should be up to date and requires registration data verification. 

Karla McKenna provided information and history about Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF), the necessity for a secure and verifiable organizational identity, and how verified Legal Entity Identifier could be used. Karla McKenna provided additional information regarding the cost of LEI. 

Avri Doria provided an overview about digital identity solutions, data verification, consensus issues, protocol issues, and the tools that are in use. 

Lucas Prêtre provided an overview of what the .swiss registry does to verify registrant eligibility.  


Jacques Latour provided information regarding the verification of .ca domain name registrant data, which includes submitting digital proof of citizenship. .ca plans to move to a verified digital credential system that preserves registrant privacy. 

Action Items:

No action items recorded. 

Thursday, 7 March

At-Large Leadership Wrap-Up

Alfredo let the ALAC know that there are several NomCom open NomCom positions that community members can apply for. Please see the following link for more informatIon: There are certain applicant requirements for the various open positions. 

The session report Rapporteurs provided high-level updates on the sessions they attended. 
