- Olivier Crépin-Leblond and the ICANN Evolution Working Group to discuss SO/AC Accountability in their next teleconference
Heidi Ullrich & Terri Agnew to compile the relevant CCWG WS2 documents to be included in the ICANN Evolution WG wiki page, including WS2 Dashboard OCT - 03Nov16rev.pdf.
3. Work Stream 2 Update (Olivier and Alan - 70 minutes)
a. Human Rights - Avri, Bastiaan, Erich Schweighofer, Jean Jacques Subrenat, Leon, Seun, Tijani, Cheryl, Tatiana Tropina, John Laprise
b. Transparency - Alan, Avri, Cheryl, Jean Jacques Subrenat
c. Jurisdiction - Avri, Christopher Wilkinson, Erich Schweighofer, Jean Jacques Subrenat, Tijani, Cheryl, Tatiana Tropina
Currently in Public Consultation.
d. Guidelines for Good Faith - Cheryl, Avri, Alan
e. SO/AC Accountability - Cheryl (Co-rapporteur), Alan, Avri, Christopher W, Jean Jacques S, Sébastien, Seun, Siva
f. Diversity - Cheryl, Sebastien, Seun, Tijani, Beran
g. Ombudsman - Sébastien (rapporteur), Alberto Soto, Carlos Vera Quintana, Cheryl, José Arce, Siva
h. Reviewing the Cooperative Engagement Process (CEP) - Alan, Avri, Siva, Cheryl
i. Staff Accountability - Alan Avri (Co-rapporteur), Alan, Cheryl, Seun
j. IRP "Phase 2" - NEW