This is the main home of Work Stream 1 and is intended to be a one-stop-shop for all information needed by Work Stream 1 members to analyze information received.
Please note that this page is not a repository of all sources of information. This is located at the Work Stream 1 Sources Repository.
AoC 9.1
9.1 Ensuring accountability, transparency and the interests of global Internet users: ICANN commits to maintain and improve robust mechanisms for public input, accountability, and transparency so as to ensure that the outcomes of its decision-making will reflect the public interest and be accountable to all stakeholders by:
- the relevant staff answers to questions
- WS1 9.1(a) staff answers Summary (MS excel)
- the relevant additional issues to be treated by this Team.
- Work Stream 1 Sources Repository
- Relevant Transcript from 14-15 March and 2-3 May Meetings
- Other Information (decisional input checklist for recommendation 20 of ATRT1
- the relevant staff answers to questions
- WS1 9.1(b) staff answers Summary (MS excel)
- the relevant additional issues to be treated by this Team.
- Work Stream 1 Sources Repository
- Relevant Transcript from 14-15 March and 2-3 May Meetings
- any other source of information?
- the relevant staff answers to questions
- WS1 9.1(c) staff answers Summary (MS excel)
- the relevant additional issues to be treated by this Team.
- Work Stream 1 Sources Repository
- Relevant Transcript from 14-15 March and 2-3 May Meetings
- Other information (discussion of Public Participation Committee session in Prague answering many of the questions and receiving suggestions from participants)
- the relevant staff answers to questions
- WS1 9.1(d) staff answers Summary (MS excel)
- the relevant additional issues to be treated by this Team.
- Work Stream 1 Sources Repository
- any other source of information?