Date: Thursday, 15 August 2024
Time: 06:00 - 07:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)
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English Conference ID = 1638
Zoom room: Password: APRA15AUG*
Action Items: EN
Zoom Recording: ENTranscript: EN
Chat: EN
EN: Amrita Choudhury, Muhammad Altaf, Ali AlMeshal, Amin Hacha, Ankita Rathi, Aris Ignacio, Ashrafur Rahman Piaus, Au Yi Teng, Barkha Manral, Bikram Shrestha, Dr. Muhammad Shabbir, Eranga Samararathna, Gunela Astbrink, Hong Xue, Jasmine Ko, Justine Chew, Laxmi Prasad Yadav, Letitia Masaea, Mabda Haerunnisa Fajrilla Sidiq, Maureen Hilyard, MH Masum, Muhammad Altaf, Nabeel Yasin, Nawal Munir, Nur Adlin Hanisah, Phyo Thri Lwin, Rhydhi Gupta, Saima Nisar, Satish Babu, Shah Rahman, Shreedeep Rayamajhi, Tracy Johnson, Naima Awan, Priyatosh Jana, Udeep Baral, Abdullah Qamar, Bibek Silwal
3. RALO Matters:
(1) Membership update - Amrita (3 mins)
(2) Rules of Procedure 2024 next steps - Cheryl (5 mins)
(3) Continuous Improvement Program Community Coordination Group (CIP-CCG): Status, Survey Respondents - Justine (5 mins)
(4) Discussion on APRALO Individual Members' Representative Selection - Amrita (5 mins)
(5) FY25 Outreach & Engagement Plan: Status- Amrita (5 mins)
(6) Register of Skills & Interests - Justine (2 mins)
- Pilot Cycle 1 closes 13 Sep
(7) APRALO Policy Forum update - Amrita (2 mins)
(8) Update on APRALOs Response to How We Meet.pdf and any comments - Amrita (5 mins)
4. APRALO Planning for ICANN81 - Amrita (10 mins)
(1) AGM 2024
(2) Meeting ICANN81 Fellows & NextGen
(3) Next Round & Applicant Support Program