- No Monthly meeting
- John Laprise volunteered on July 12 for the ALAC Appointee Selection Committee
- Creation of the August NARALO Call agenda
- Encouragement for two new ALS applications- www.firstmile.ca Dr. Rob McMahon
- Received one new ALS application from John LaPrise
- Promotion of NARALO at the IGF USA in attendance Judith, David, Glenn, Seth and Louis
- Feedback to the CROPP RT Team as followup to changes in CROPP
- Emails to Darlene Thompson, Mark Urban, Randy Glass and S. SIngh reminding them of their ALS obligations
- Planning Adobe Connect call with the volunteer committee for the TAP
- Creation of the procedures for application for the Tribal Ambassorship Program TAP
- Creation of online form for applicants for TAP
- Planning Adobe Connect call for the Naralo GA
- Two volunteers for the DDDPP Gordon and Glenn
June Monthly Reports
- Two meetings this month
- Helsinki
- Normal meeting
May Monthly Reports
- Monthly call with 19 attendees
- First time French translation on monthly call
- Acclaimed positions with NARALO
- Chair- Glenn McKnight
- Secretariat-Judith Hellerstein
- NOMCOM- Eduardo Diaz
- Election for ALAC position between Louis Houle and Alan Greenberg
- Agenda
- Application from ISOC North Carolina being reviewed
- Creation of the CROPP Strategic Plan submitted to GSE
- Revisions on the Rules of Procedures on the decertification process
- Decertification process to ALAC commenced
- Attempt to contact Michael Miranda again, no response
- Outreach and promotion at the CIRA CIF on June 10th in Ottawa which saw numerous ICANN staff speaking about the IANA transition at the event
- Attended the ICANN 53 BA, Argentina
- NARALO report at ALAC
- NARALO meeting
- Accessibility Meeting
- Side meeting With Judith Hellerstein, Josh Baulch, Christina from Language Services, Silvia Vivanco to discuss implementation of Captioning Pilot. Was decided to have an evaluation after the first 3 months. Also at this early stage only English captioning will be used. Also transcripts form the current provider will be kept and then reviewed and compared against the transcripts from the captioning provider. If the transcripts from the captioning of the call are found to be adequate than the current transcripts provider will be cancelled and the costs of these transcripts will be placed into the captioning program to fund it and also to expand into other languages depending on the demand.
- Reports from ICANN53 BA (NARALO Did most of the posting!) some of the specific issues discussed at the NARALO Meeting in BA:
- Sub-Regional Meeting Proposed in NYC: The idea is to have mini-regional, informal meetings in locations accessible to a number of members - possibly New York City in September.
- Comparing ATLAS II Objectives with At-Large CWG Work: Are we staying to true to what we pledge as a community in work that follows an ATLAS or other proposal?
- Thanks to Eduardo Diaz we have the first ever NARALO Newsletter! Tell us what YOU are doing.
- Recommendations for ICANN's Auction Surplus/High Interest Topic Session: The Chair served on this panel and recommended that use of these funds follow ICANN's mandate and focus on areas where the organization may be failing in the mandate, especially in the areas of improved accessibility for the disabled communities.
- Conflict of Interest within the ICANN Structure: Recent research into ICANN's documents show inconsistencies in the organizational structure as presented to the community. It appears that Compliance actually reports to the business division (Global Domains Division) of ICANN rather than to the CEO. This may be a conflict of interest as well as not what we have been told. See this page for details and discussion: Transparency and Accountability in the ICANN Structure
- Chair and Secretary participated in ALAC Call 7/28/15
- NARALO monthly call canceled due to nearness to the BA meeting
- The Secretary put out a call for volunteers to join the Outreach and Engagement Committee
- Chair continued his work on Transparency and Accountability in the ICANN Structure
- NARALO CROPP Outreach Strategic plan created and provided to community for feedback
- Request to NARALO members to get involved with the ALS Criteria Evaluation Committee-No volunteers, Glenn McKnight volunteered as the ALAC member till end of his term in October