Summary of recommendation: The ICANN Bylaws that deal with ALAC should be changed to reflect a continuing purpose in ICANN focused on providing policy advice, providing input into operations and structure; helping to ensure accountability and contributing to outreach.
Suggested work team: ALAC Chair, At-Large staff and ICANN Legal staff
Summary of tasks in implementation:
- Bylaws Article XI, s2(4)(a) will be modified and submitted to the SIC for Board ratification.
- Proposed IIC/post-JPA accountability mechanisms will be reviewed.
- Any additional processes needed for ALAC engagement in ICANN Structural Improvements Programs will be determined.
- ALAC Chair term will be extended to two years.
Target completion date: September--December 2010
Implementation Task
Amend Bylaws Article XI,s2(4)(a) to clarify purposes, as proposed
Submit to the Board the following revision to ICANN Bylaws XI.2.4.a, drafted in collaboration with Legal:
Submit to the Board the following revisions to ICANN Bylaws XI.2.4.j, drafted in collaboration with Legal:
The ALAC is also responsible, working in conjunction with the RALOs, for coordinating the following activities:...
Participating in the ICANN policy development processes and providing input and advice that accurately reflects the views of individual Internet users;…
Review proposed IIC/post‐JPA accountability mechanisms to ensure congruence with recommendation
ALAC engagement in ICANN Structural Improvements Program
See: Review of the At‐Large Advisory Committee - Final Report of the ALAC Review Working Group on ALAC Improvements
The ALAC has a continuing purpose in the ICANN structure. This continuing purpose has four key elements:
- Providing advice on policy;
- Providing input into ICANN operations and structure;
- Part of ICANN’s accountability mechanisms
- An organizing mechanism for some of ICANN’s outreach
The section of the ICANN Bylaws that deals with ALAC should be changed to reflect this purpose.
Extend ALAC Chair term to two years.
The ALAC and its Taskforce have decided that this function that will be adopted from June 2012 on, once the Rules of Procedure Review WG has begun.
This review should include consideration of the role, selection process and term length of the ALAC Chair and Vice Chairs.
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