Transcript: EURALO 29.03.11 Transcript
Adobe Connect Chat: EURALO 29.03.11 AC Chat
Interpretation: none
Adobe Connect Chatroom: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/euralo2011/
1. Roll Call and apologies
2. Review of the summary minutes and action items from the 15 February 2011 call (2 minutes)
Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Working Group Proposed Final Report (ends 31 March 11) - Draft ALAC Statement
Proposed New GNSO Policy Development Process (ends 1 April 2011) - Draft ALAC Statement
Proposed Framework for the Fiscal Year 2012 (FY12) Operating Plan and Budget (ends 4 April 11)
4. Update on Current Policy Issues (Olivier, Wolf)(10 minutes)
5. Review of EURALO Activities at ICANN San Francisco Meeting (Wolf, Olivier) (10 minutes)
EURALO/At-Large Activities (see At-Large Meeting Agendas)
At-Large Improvements (Seth Greene)
Key EURALO/At-Large Achievements
ALAC Chair's Report (PDF)
Highlights of the ICANN San Francisco Meeting