Source Documents for the RPMs:
The RPMs - Policies, Procedures & Applicable Rules
The Uniform Rapid Suspension Procedure (URS):
- The Procedure: http://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/urs/procedure-01mar13-en.pdf
- The Rules: http://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/urs/rules-28jun13-en.pdf
- ADNDRC Supplemental Rules: http://www.adndrc.org/mten/img/pdf/URS_Supplemental_Rules_8_September_2014.pdf
- FORUM Supplemental Rules: http://www.adrforum.com/resources/URS/URS%20Supplemental%20Rules.pdf
- MFSD Supplemental Rules: https://urs.mfsd.it/system/system_data/CMS_ELEM_DOC/data_PDF/mfsd_supplemental_rules.pdf
Presentations to the Working Group & ICANN Community
ICANN57, Hyderabad, November 2016: Open Community Session Slides
ICANN58, Copenhagen, March 2017: RPM WG Slides - ICANN58
ICANN60, Abu Dhabi, Oct 2017 - URS Overview
13 December 2017 - URS Rules - Overview
Other Materials
WIPO correspondence with ICANN on RPMs & New gTLDs
GNSO Rules and Procedures relevant to the conduct of the PDP: