Interpretation: EN, ES, PT
Recording: EN, ES, PT
Adobe Connect Chat Transcript: EN
Transcription: EN, ES, PT PT
Aida Noblia
, Carlos Vera Quintana
, Alyne Andrade
, Tatiana Toculescu
, Antonio Medina Gomez
, Alfredo Lopez
, Oscar Garde, Humberto Carrasco, Alejandro Pisanty, Adrian Carballo, Alberto Soto, Diego Acosta Bastidas, Eduardo Mendez, Fatima Cambronero, Maricarmen Sequera, Maritza Aguero, Roosevelt King
EN: Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Dev Anand Teelucksingh
PT: Sylvia Herlein
Apologies: Leon Sanchez, Sergio Salinas Porto, Juan Manuel Rojas, Gilberto Lara, Natalia Enciso, Jose Francisco Arce
Silvia Vivanco, Susie Johnson, Terri Agnew
Call management: Susie Johnson
Interpreters: ES:
PT: Esperanza
1. Bienvenida. Alberto Soto 1’
ALAC Policy Development Activities - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (20 minutes)
a. Recently adopted ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:
- Introduction of Two-Character Domain Names in the New gTLD Namespace - Adopted 13Y, 0N, 2A
- Introduction of Two-Character Domain Names for .DEALS, XN--FJQ720A, .CITY, .XYZ, .COLLEGE, .GOP, .TRADE, .WEBCAM, .BID, .HEALTHCARE, .WORLD, .BAND - Adopted 13Y, 0N, 1A
- Introduction of Two-Character Domain Names for .LUXURY, .WANG, XN--3BST00M, XN--6QQ986B3XL, XN--CZRU2D, XN--45Q11C, .BUILD, .REN, .PIZZA, .RESTAURANT, .GIFTS, .SARL, XN--55QX5D, XN--IO0A7I, and 20 TLDs associated with Top Level Domain Holdings Limited - Adopted by default
- Introduction of Two-Character Domain Names for .SOHU, .IMMO, .SAARLAND, .CLUB - Adopted by default
- Proposed Bylaws Changes Regarding Consideration of GAC Advice - 15Y, 0N, 0A
b. Statements or Endorsements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC
- Enhancing ICANN Accountability 2.0 - ALAC considering drafting a Statement
- Board Working Group Report on Nominating Committee (BWG-NomCom) - ALAC drafting a Statement
- Introduction of Two-Character Domain Names for .JETZT, .GLOBAL, .NEUSTAR, .KIWI, .BERLIN - ALAC commenting on a Statement
c. Currently Open Public Comment
- Implementing Rights Protection Mechanisms in the Name Collision Mitigation Framework - No Statement (Public Comment closes on 07.10.2014)
43 - RALOs should encourage their inactive ALS representatives to comply with ALAC minimum participation requirements.
6. 2 LACRALO Monthly Meeting - Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Definicion de la Agenda
: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99564186/At-Large+Meetings+-+Tuesday%2CTuesday+14+October+2014+Workspace
7 Informes Grupos de Trabajo
a. Grupo Gobernanza: Sergio Salinas Porto10´
b. Grupo CCTLD: Sergio Salinas Porto 5’
ALAC Policy Development Activities - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (20 minutes)
a. Recently adopted ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:
- Introduction of Two-Character Domain Names in the New gTLD Namespace - Adopted 13Y, 0N, 2A
- Introduction of Two-Character Domain Names for .DEALS, XN--FJQ720A, .CITY, .XYZ, .COLLEGE, .GOP, .TRADE, .WEBCAM, .BID, .HEALTHCARE, .WORLD, .BAND - Adopted 13Y, 0N, 1A
- Introduction of Two-Character Domain Names for .LUXURY, .WANG, XN--3BST00M, XN--6QQ986B3XL, XN--CZRU2D, XN--45Q11C, .BUILD, .REN, .PIZZA, .RESTAURANT, .GIFTS, .SARL, XN--55QX5D, XN--IO0A7I, and 20 TLDs associated with Top Level Domain Holdings Limited - Adopted by default
- Introduction of Two-Character Domain Names for .SOHU, .IMMO, .SAARLAND, .CLUB - Adopted by default
- Proposed Bylaws Changes Regarding Consideration of GAC Advice - 15Y, 0N, 0A
b. Statements or Endorsements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC
- Enhancing ICANN Accountability 2.0 - ALAC considering drafting a Statement
- Board Working Group Report on Nominating Committee (BWG-NomCom) - ALAC drafting a Statement
- Introduction of Two-Character Domain Names for .JETZT, .GLOBAL, .NEUSTAR, .KIWI, .BERLIN - ALAC commenting on a Statement
c. Currently Open Public Comment
- Implementing Rights Protection Mechanisms in the Name Collision Mitigation Framework - No Statement (Public Comment closes on 07.10.2014)
43 - RALOs should encourage their inactive ALS representatives to comply with ALAC minimum participation requirements.
6. 2 LACRALO Monthly Meeting - Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Definition of the Agenda
: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99564186/At-Large+Meetings+-+Tuesday%2CTuesday+14+October+2014+Workspace
7 Working Groups Reports.
a. Grupo Gobernanza: Sergio Salinas Porto10´
b. Grupo CCTLD: Sergio Salinas Porto 5’