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Comment: Fix links.


Interpretation: EN, ES, PT

Recording: ENES, PT

Adobe Connect Chat Transcript:    EN   

Transcription:   EN, ES, PT PT     




  Aida Noblia


, Carlos Vera Quintana


, Alyne Andrade


,  Tatiana Toculescu


, Antonio Medina Gomez


, Alfredo Lopez






, Oscar Garde, Humberto Carrasco, Alejandro Pisanty,  Adrian Carballo, Alberto Soto, Diego Acosta Bastidas, Eduardo Mendez, Fatima Cambronero, Maricarmen Sequera, Maritza Aguero, Roosevelt King

EN: Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Dev Anand Teelucksingh

PT: Sylvia Herlein

Apologies:  Leon Sanchez, Sergio Salinas Porto, Juan Manuel Rojas, Gilberto Lara, Natalia Enciso, Jose Francisco Arce



 Silvia Vivanco,  Susie Johnson, Terri Agnew

Call management: Susie Johnson

Interpreters:  ES:



                        PT:  Esperanza



1.            Bienvenida. Alberto Soto  1’


ALAC Policy Development Activities - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (20 minutes)

a. Recently adopted ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:

b. Statements or Endorsements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC

c. Currently Open Public Comment 


43 - RALOs  should  encourage  their  inactive  ALS  representatives  to  comply  with  ALAC  minimum participation requirements.




6. 2               LACRALO Monthly Meeting -  Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Definicion de la Agenda

: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99564186/At-Large+Meetings+-+Tuesday%2CTuesday+14+October+2014+Workspace

7             Informes Grupos de Trabajo


a. Grupo Gobernanza: Sergio Salinas Porto10´

b. Grupo CCTLD: Sergio Salinas Porto 5’


ALAC Policy Development Activities - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (20 minutes)

a. Recently adopted ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:

b. Statements or Endorsements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC

c. Currently Open Public Comment 


43 - RALOs  should  encourage  their  inactive  ALS  representatives  to  comply  with  ALAC  minimum participation requirements.




6. 2               LACRALO Monthly Meeting -  Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Definition of the Agenda 

: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99564186/At-Large+Meetings+-+Tuesday%2CTuesday+14+October+2014+Workspace


7             Working Groups Reports.


a. Grupo Gobernanza: Sergio Salinas Porto10´

b. Grupo CCTLD: Sergio Salinas Porto 5’
