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Call Management: Yeşim Sağlam


Action Items: EN       

Zoom Chat: EN

Recording: EN, ES

Transcript: ENES

Zoom Recording: EN



  1. Roll call- Staff (2 mins)

  2. Welcome and Review of Agenda – LACRALO Leadership (3 mins)

  3. Review of RALO Rules related to the Individual Member Mobilization (25 mins)

    1. Update on the ALS and Individual Mobilization Implementation – Alan Greenberg - Presentation

    2. Individuals in the RALOs.

      1. AFRALO

      2. APRALO

      3. EURALO

      4. LACRALO

      5. NARALO

  4. Onboarding/Welcoming of ALS and Individuals – Staff (5 mins)

  5. Status of FY23 Strategic plans –RALO Liaisons (15 mins)

    1. Required to be completed and endorsed by the GSE teams prior to applying for CROP slots and RALO Discretionary Funding

  6. Update on FY24 Additional Budget Proposals – Heidi Ullrich (5 mins)

    1.  See: At-Large FY24 Budget Development Workspace

    2. Discussion of Possible Cross-RALO ABR

  7. Cross-RALO plans for ICANN 76 – Claire Craig (10 mins)

    1. Cross-RALO Coordination Meeting(s), including Tuesday Cross-RALO meeting with LACRALO General Assembly Members

  8. Organization of the RALOs' Coordination - Seb/All (20 mins)

  9. AOB – LACRALO Leadership (2 mins)

  10. Next Call – LACRALO Leadership (3 mins)

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