Details of Phase 3 Projects can be found on the following subpages:
P1-Label Generation Ruleset Tool
P2.1-Label Generation Ruleset Process for the Root
P6-User Experience Implications of Active Variant TLDs
At completion of these three projects, IDN Variant TLDs Program team will seek Board approval, followed on with the initiation of implementation steps represented by Projects 2.2, 7 and 8 of the Updated IDN Variant TLD Program Plan and summarized as follows: implementation of the LGR Process through the establishment of panels and corresponding work frame, updating of both gTLD and IDN ccTLD Programs as well as ICANN processes and operations.
Please see below Program’s most recent public update presentation held during the Registrypresentations and sessions:
IDN Variant TLDs Program Update - Amsterdam - Registry-Registrar Gathering meeting that took place - 24-25 January 3013 in 2013 - Amsterdam.
Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) Variant TLDs Program Update - Amsterdam: Examining the User Experience Implication of the Active Variant TLDs - Public Webinar - 13 February 2013 - download here recording and presentation