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The APRALO History Project has the aim of documenting APRALO's history through collecting historical records, photos and other documents. The deliverables include the following: 1) a video and Ebook to be shown during ICANN 60 and creation of a timeline; 2) creation of an APRALO history website on that At-Large website (; and 3) potential inclusion of the APRALO History Project into the ICANN History Project.


Mailing List:

Staff Lead: Silvia Vivanco



Kaili Kan

Project Lead
Cheryl Langdon OrrAdvisor
Rajnesh Singh
 Edmon Chung 
Lianna Galstyan

Pavan Budhrani

Yannis Li

Rohan Perera

Satish Babu
Nadira Alaraj
Maureen HilyardEbook Lead

Next Call: 17 October 2017TBC

Previous Call: 05 17 October 2017


1. Communicate with existing volunteers and Staff, and determine the sequence of activities
2. Create a plan (including a Script if required), consulting the LT and others as required
3. Intimate potential participants/interviewees before ICANN60 starts
4. At ICANN60, manage logistics (use the volunteers & staff to help you)
5. Examine the initial product and circulate to APRALO LT (and others as required) for comments
6. Finalize any changes and release the final version
7. Report to the community in the monthly calls on your plan


DeliverableLeadStatusNotesDraft/Finished Project
VideoArielIn progress; Scheduling interviews

Interview schedule:



EbookMaureenIn progress
TimelineMaureenIn progress

APRALO History Project Depository - Please add you materials to this wiki page.
