1. Roll call – Jose (2 mins)
2. Review of action items from 21 July 2011 meeting -- Dev (2 min)
3. Open Public Consultations -- Jose (15 min)
At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule
At-Large Policy Development wiki page
4. Recent and upcoming ALAC activities - Sergio, Sylvia, Carlton (10 mins)
See: “ALAC Representatives” section of At-Large Elections 2011
6. Update on mailing list issues -- Dev (10 min)
9. Reminders from the ExCom -- Dev (5 min)
a) At-Large members should add input to the following two wiki pages regarding ongoing collaboration between At-Large and Registrars:
- Ideas for future ALAC-Registrar meetings (what questions would ALAC members like asked of the Registrars?)
- Ideas for the content of educational materials to be developed by At-Large & Registrars
b) All At-Large calls (including ALAC, ExCom, and At-Large WG calls) are, unless otherwise noted, open to all At-Large members as observers (and, based on the discretion of the meeting chair, perhaps also as speakers/participants). Please join any meetings that are of interest to you.