- Agenda Review
- Roll Call/SOIs
- Review of the Initial Report (continued). * The purpose of this review is to ensure that preliminary outcomes and deliberations are accurately captured and written in an understandable manner. The WG Co-Chairs have sought to make clear that this exercise is not intended to re-open substantive discussions, which is better served by the submission of public comments and subsequently when reviewing public comments received. Please submit your comments about these sections to the Working Group mailing list ( in advance of the meeting.
- Continue and Complete Section 1.7 (Name Collisions)
- Begin Review of Section 1.3 (Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice; Global Public Interest; Applicant Freedom of Expression; Universal Acceptance)
- Time Permitting, Begin Review of Section 1.8 (Objections; Accountability Mechanisms)
For Item 3, the relevant documents are attached. As a reminder, please note that a resource page has been set up on the Wiki to track the distribution of Initial Report sections, which you can find here: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/NwUhBbqaABg. As you can see in the link, the following sections have been released:
1.2: Overarching Issues 1.3: Foundational Issues 1.4: Pre-Launch Activities 1.5: Application Submission 1.6: Application Processing 1.7: Application Evaluation/Criteria 1.8: Dispute Proceedings 1.10: Contracting 1.11: Pre-Delegation 1.12: Post-Delegation
Section 1.8 Dispute Proceedings_7June2018.pdf Section 1.3 Foundational Issues_2June2018.pdf Section 1.7 Application Evaluation_Criteria_4May2018.pdf |