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Adobe Connect Meeting Room:
Meeting Co-Chairs: Rinalia Abdul Rahim and Edmon Chung
1. Welcome by Co-Chairs
2. Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs: A discussion on collaboration and coordination needed for the universal acceptance of IDN TLDs worldwide for the benefit of end users
Discussants: Ram Mohan (Afilias), Jothan Frakes (Mozilla), Jordyn Buchanan -TBC (Google), Sarmad Hussein (Al-Khawarizmi Institute for Computer Science, Pakistan), Michele Neylon (Blacknight Solutions), Andrei Kalesnikov (ccTLD.ru) and Edmon Chung (Joint ccNSO-GNSO IDN Working Group)
3. Root Zone LGR Project Generation Panel Development: Language Community Issues
- Arabic script community (Sarmad Hussein - KICS Pakistan)
- Chinese language community (Edmon Chung - dotAsia)
- Japanese language community (Hiro Hotta - JPRS)
- Korean language community (Joo Young (Ethan) Kim / YJ Park - KISA)
- Cyrillic script community (Andrei Kalesnikov - ccTLD.ru)