Members: Anne Aikman-Scalese, Suzanne Woolf, Matthew Thomas, Jaap Akkerhuis, James Galvin, Rod Rasmussen, Jeff Schmidt, Tom Barrett, Rubens Kuhl, Kathy Schnitt, Barry Leiba, Hadia Eliminiawi, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong
Apologies: Jennifer Bryce, Warren Kumari
- Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
- Workshop 3 – 4 October discussion: Topic proposals / questions / concerns?
- Technical details of Phase 2 of PCA. Some outstanding questions from last week:
- What does the TRT do with the data that comes out of phase 1
- What is necessary to achieve notification?
- What data to collect about how the name is being used, to inform the mitigation/remediation plans?
- Technical details of ACA and timeline
- Adjourn
Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/CSEsLIYpIy2cCK4umKN6I7f2boKX3_OIjPyr1BEFCTKyF5RecriwrGwUxBEEwzJ1.gThHr0_XKeSvRikn**FI3GlGXN7iiehV1zcNJ4hh5kV3kYzL0Nh3uSPaDhPeW-CpYBgR63Og7s8b7WEJ7J.9EG8bKT3vLn8b3G8
Meeting Notes: PDF**