6. Developing a one page summary of the ALAC/At-Large Objection Process (10 mins)
- DAT: 7 December. This would be the deadline for any objection Statements.DAT: I will post this info the list and will post information on the one page summary to the list as well.November 7 -deadline for comments from At-Large to be received by the gTLD RG ; gTLD RG to review comments received by At-Large and decide whether to draft a formal objection statement based on comments received
- DAT: December 7 - (any) formal objection statements to be posted for RALOs to review and decide whether to advise ALAC to file the objection by end of December
- January 2-8 - if 3 or more RALOs advises ALAC to file objection, ALAC to consider advice and decide to file objection
- January 12, 2013 - objection period ends
- DAT: We will try to complete this by Friday.
- HU: Perhaps the note can be translated into FR and ES
- DAT: Yes, that would be great.