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Summary Notes and Action Items

Tuesday 17 July 2012


Dev Anand Teelucksingh gave the introduction, including a review of the agenda.


DAT added the issue of outreach for the RG comment period under AOB.


The Agenda was approved.


Roll Call was held.


Review/Update of RG SOIs  - DT noted that Rudi Vansnick resigned due to a COI.


OCL: Noted Rudi's resignation. Regarding Dave Kissoondoyal, he has resigned from the PIR advisory board, so will not have any COI.


DAT: Noted the EURALO call later today will discuss the issue of Rudi's replacement.


Update of RG activities since ICANN Prague meeting


DAT: Has posted a lot of information on the Dashboard. He has tried to make it as simple as possible and discover what the process is and the timeline. This is due to one of the concerns being how the RG explains the objection process. This allows the Dashboard to be up-to-date. He has also confirmed that the email address for the RG works. There is some delay at times.  Additional issue is how a comment is to be transferred from an email to the Dashboard. He asked the RG whether there are additional issues to be addressed.


ED: Has the RG any comments?


DAT: Not to date. He also posted a new timeline on the Dashboard. This states that the deadline for comments is 27 August. So from 2-10 August, the RG reviews the comments.


DAT: A message has been sent to the RALO lists re the call for comments on the new gTLD Applications.


HU: Suggested RG members from each region ask the Chairs to include the call for comments on their next RALO calls.


AI: Regional RG members are to request RALO Chairs add the issue of encouraging RALO comments on the new gTLD applications during the next RALO calls.


DAT: Asked how outreach can be approved.


FSS: I'd like to have the text analyzed so that I can send the details to my AFRALO members. The deadline is approaching.


DAT: The information can be customized to how you would like to see it.


CS: I don't object at all to have wider distribution of the document. You have a task of spreading the message. There is one thing we should emphasize: the basis on which objections can be made for At-Large. I don't want people running away and making all sorts of comments. I'm for full and complete information to the edges. However, there is need for them to understand the basis for connections?


AI: All regional members of the RG should post the text of the Objection Process to their regional lists and emphasize the two areas where comments are allowed for At-Large.


DAT: Yes, and the comment has to be submitted in a form for the Dispute settlement advisor. The comment has to be well-written and considered. Due diligence has to be done.


FSS: I will speak with the African community so that they can make comments the right way.


DAT: I also used a URL shortening tool to distribute the Dashboard. Please consider using that in your communication.


DAT: Any comments re the outreach? I was thinking that the DiploFoundations...have a comunity website.


CS: He is a member. He can do this.


AI: CS to post information on the At-Large objection process on the DiploFoundation website.


Chair of the RG


DAT: He is acting as the interim Chair. He is willing to stand as the permanent Chair. Is there anyone else who would like to stand?


SR: Nominated DAT.


CS, FSS, ED seconded.


Dev Anand Teelucksingh was chosen as the Chair of the RG by consensus.


Next Call: Thursday, 26th at 14:00 UTC.




HU: Noted ExCom request for a one-pager that explains the At-Large  and GAC objection process.


The group was in agreement.


AI: RG to work on text for a one-pager to explain the At-Large objection process.


AI: Staff to work with relevant staff to develop a one pager on the At-Large (and GAC) objection process.


FSS: Could included relevant email addresses, etc in this document.


DAT: RG may wish to public interest and see if the IO or anyone else responds to that in the PC Forum. Does everyone agree with that? We could then prepare an objection update for ALAC approval (check on accuracy)


CS: Noted he would be interested in an 'actionable objection statement'.  However, would not wish to edit, revise and extend  or otherwise inform the objection.


DAT: In Prague, it was revealed that regarding the Dispute Resolution Service Provider...that has not been posted on the DRSP website. DAT noted it signaled a lack of transparency.


CS: That is a problem, but would not make an issue of it at this time.


DAT: Agree. Something we should keep an eye on.


Next call: 26 July at 14:00 UTC


Meeting was adjourned.