Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the At-Large Regional Secretariats Meeting on Wednesday 29 May 2013 at 1900 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Draft Agenda: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/TiZ-AgcwrhBQ
Holly Raiche:Hi - waiting for my dial out. Good morning to all
Holly Raiche:Hi - in now
Pavan Budhrani:hi all :)
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Garth Bruen:Welcome!
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you G
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Wolf - can you hear us? If so, we can start the call
Silvia Vivanco:Wolf we will start once you are on
Silvia Vivanco:Good idea Heidi!
Wolf Ludwig:Good evening, Holly ;-)
Wolf Ludwig:And all of you!
Silvia Vivanco:I will help aslo checking when people want to speak
Garth Bruen:clear as a bell
Silvia Vivanco:Here as background you have the Beijing Meeting https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/CRALO/pages/98634327/At-Large+Regional+Leadership+Meeting+%2C+2013-04-10+-+Beijing
Silvia Vivanco:The Transcript is already there
Silvia Vivanco:Here are the AIs: At-Large Regional Leadership Meeting , 2013-04-10 - Beijing - Action Items Added by Nathalie Peregrine, last edited by Julia Charvolen on Apr 12, 2013 (view change) TranslateTo have calls more than once a month before ICANN Meetings. The Regional Secretariat agendas during the ICANN Meetings are to be shorter.
Silvia Vivanco:Dear Holly could you speak up
Wolf Ludwig:Louder please, Holly!
Garth Bruen:somebody washing dishes?
Darlene Thompson:I can barely hear her
Wolf Ludwig:Sorry, can only understand half!
Garth Bruen:Salud!
Wolf Ludwig:There is only "progress" at NARALO and EURALO on this question.
Holly Raiche:IShould we just sum up what we all do for individual members and then officially say each RALO does what it believes works for that area
Darlene Thompson:+1 with what Wolf is saying
Darlene Thompson:Good idea, Holly
Garth Bruen:@Wolf, even though we have individual membership, it's effectively driven through an ALS. It's good to thave that option but there are limitations.
Holly Raiche:What about a resource on what ressources are available.
Garth Bruen:@Holly, yes
Wolf Ludwig:For other RALOs the picture or assessment may be very different! And they should go on.
Garth Bruen:Of course
Silvia Vivanco:The Regional Secretariat agendas during the ICANN Meetings are to be shorter. is one of the AI of the Beijing meeting
Wolf Ludwig:I prefer reduction on*few*items only!
Silvia Vivanco:yes
Garth Bruen:Argee, focus more on policy
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All, the Capacity Building WG meeting is on Thursday in Durban, so this item on your agenda on Wednesday might wish to plan for the Capacity Building WG meeting from the perspective of the RALOs.
Garth Bruen:+1
Darlene Thompson:Have each region send in their optimum topics for discussion and then agree as an entire group on which over-lapping issues to discuss
Garth Bruen:+1
Heidi Ullrich:Also, Sally Costerton and her Communications Team will be speaking with the ALAC and RALO leaders on Sunday morning. So hearing a united view from the RALOs might be useful.
Garth Bruen:@Heidi. We need more of a conversation with Sally. Last time she gave a speech and left th room. That's not capacity building. She didn't have time for questions.
Holly Raiche:@ Heidi - what do you mean by united view - on what
Heidi Ullrich:inreach/outreach activities/needs from the RALOs
Holly Raiche:Thanks
Heidi Ullrich:The communications team within ICANN is increasing in size, so now is a good time to let them know your needs
Garth Bruen:Two Schillings
Darlene Thompson:2-3 items
Garth Bruen:We are recruiting here in NARALO, but in the U.S./Canada we mainly speak the same language, have the same postal/telephone system. I can only imagine how difficult doing outreach the way we are doing it would work in AF and AP
Darlene Thompson:Agree with Wolf - if we are attracting new members but our existing members are not involved then it becomes just a numbers game with little effort being given to actual policy issues.
Darlene Thompson:+1 Garth
Holly Raiche:@Darlene and Garth - agree
Holly Raiche:Maybe a discussion on this problem - recognising the difficulty and differences?
Wolf Ludwig:I wish to broaden the scope of ALS or ind. participation to *more* than the usual suspects!
Holly Raiche:And maybe the test of achievement is numbers - but quality of participation as well?
Holly Raiche:@ Wold +1
Heidi Ullrich:There is a request from Olivier that the RALO officers meet with the RIRs during this meeting
Wolf Ludwig:Right Holly!
Heidi Ullrich:so two issues plus the meeting would take up 90 mins
Heidi Ullrich:sorry, the meeting with the RIRS
Holly Raiche:@OLC - what would the focus of the meeting with RISs - or would the purpose be to explore issues in common
Garth Bruen:Not a hand, just approval
Heidi Ullrich:Holly, Olivier would like to have the two groups explore closer relations
Wolf Ludwig:Would like to hear a bit more about the idea of RIRs as well.
Heidi Ullrich:Olivier wrote to you on 30 April on this topic:
Heidi Ullrich:Dear RALO Leaders,I am following-up on the Beijing meeting. As advertised, the ALAC Executive Committee had a breakfast with the representatives from the Address Supporting Organisation (ASO). All Regional Internet Registries(RIRs) were represented by senior representatives and the suggestion was made by us that there should be more collaboration between a region's RALO and RIR.This suggestion was very well received. I took the example of the collaboration and sponsorship opportunities which have happened in LACRALO to be an excellent example on how to involve Internet users from ALSes with events which LACNIC is organising or sponsoring. This example was of course made possible through the excellent personal relationship which LACRALO leadership has had with LACNIC leadership.The aim is to make this cross-community collaboration stronger by making it more formal, within the ICANN framework, but also to extend this type of collaboration to other regions. Of course, each region might collaborate with their RIR
Holly Raiche:Thanks Heidi - very useful background
Heidi Ullrich:I should have been more clear earlier. Apologies
Garth Bruen:We have been having a debate in NARALO about RIR policy.
Holly Raiche:@ Garth - what is the essence of the debate?
Heidi Ullrich:I've just heard that the ExCom+RALO leaders + RIRs meeting will be on Tuesday 16:00-17:00
Garth Bruen:One of our members wrote a piece critical of RIPE policies:
Wolf Ludwig:Can be another and perhaps more promising approach, Olivier.
Garth Bruen:It has sparked a debate about how much input we have in this sector, and if we should, and if IANA is part of ICANN, should it not be discussed?
Holly Raiche:@OLC -Makes sense - thanks
Garth Bruen:But like ccTLDs, the amount of real control is really not there.
Holly Raiche:@ Garth - given that the US is the home of IANA...
Garth Bruen:So, it is an interesting topic, to be sure.
Garth Bruen:But, are there issues we have better influence over that are better for our time?
Tijani BEN JEMAA:We will attend and organize a session called "AFRALO session"
Garth Bruen:@Fatimata, just rhetorical!
Holly Raiche:@ Garth - I woud hope we can all have at leat some infuence over our RIR - or as OLC suggets, have a better relationship/closer relationship with them
Wolf Ludwig:Mobilization for ATLAS 2 should be an issue for the BA agenda!
Garth Bruen:From what I've seen, when At-Large starts talking about subjects at meetings - the players start showing up. For example, registrars, compliance, etc...
Garth Bruen:So if there are issues around RIR/IP policy in Africa, a session discussing them might bring important people into the room!
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All, is the proposed agenda to the right ok?
Heidi Ullrich:One of the issues will be outreach/inreach?
Heidi Ullrich:what is the second issue?
Heidi Ullrich:Sante, Fatimata!
Heidi Ullrich:So the RALOs are to choose the two topics
Silvia Vivanco:correct Heidi
Holly Raiche:Cna we leave it that we do not meeting but can call one if it bcomes necessary
Wolf Ludwig:It's enough for Durban, I agree!
Garth Bruen:Thank you!
Wolf Ludwig:Thanks to you Fatimata and all!
Gisella Gruber-White:Soigne toi Fatimata!
Gisella Gruber-White:Thank you all
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks!
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Fatimata and all
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