Nathalie Peregrine:Welcome to the New gTLD Review Group on Friday 08 February 2013 at 1900 UTC
Nathalie Peregrine:Agenda Page: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/94FwAgkgPhBQ
Eduardo Diaz:¡Hola a todos!
Thomas Lowenhaupt:Hello.
Adela Danciu:Hello everybody!
Jose Arce:Hello all !! I'll be in instead of Marcelo Telez from LACRALO
Robert Pollard:I can hear you
Heidi Ullrich:Robert, are you on the Adigo bridge or on the call through the Adobe Connect?
Gisella Gruber-White:Weclome Robert
Gisella Gruber-White:Robert Pollard = Inc. with Thomas Lowenhaupt
Heidi Ullrich:Yrjo, we are muting your line
Yrjö Länsipuro:ok
Robert Pollard:Also Information Ecologist, Information Habitat: Where Information Lives - G+ @climatechange3
Gisella Gruber-White:Aziz Hilali has joined the all
Gisella Gruber-White:call
Thomas Lowenhaupt:Note that I filed a recent comment - in the last hour.
Robert Pollard:Does having an objection to .nyc constitute a conflict of interest?
Gisella Gruber-White:@ All - apology from Justine Chew
Heidi Ullrich:Robert, the COI only applies to official members of the Review Group
Eduardo Diaz:ed: pass
seth reiss:could you restate the question?
Adela Danciu:pass - for the community delineation
seth reiss:Pass
Yrjö Länsipuro:pass
Aziz:I do not have a microphone
Adela Danciu:there are also passes from Justine and Alexandre - by email
Heidi Ullrich:Could you write your response, Aziz?
Aziz:i dont hear the question
Adela Danciu:(sorry - Alexander)
Aziz:please write it
Heidi Ullrich:For .Amazon, do you consider that there has been enough proof established for pass/fail criteria for community objection
Heidi Ullrich:for the first factor - level of public recognition
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks
Adela Danciu:yes
Heidi Ullrich:For the second criterion
Eduardo Diaz:ed: pass - Boundaries - 5 boroughs identifed by all comments received
Yrjö Länsipuro:yes
Eduardo Diaz:pas
Yrjö Länsipuro:yes
Heidi Ullrich:Third criterion: The length of time the community has existed
Heidi Ullrich:Fourth criterion: skipped
Eduardo Diaz:passs
Heidi Ullrich:Fifth: The number of people or entities that make up the community
Yrjö Länsipuro:pas
Eduardo Diaz:Justine has indicated FAIL to all of them
seth reiss:No, she indicated Pass on the criteria for community
seth reiss:Maybe we need to reconfirm and go through again then.
Adela Danciu:ok, how do we proceed from now on: checking agree or typing in chat?
Robert Pollard:link to comments just mentioned?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Link to Alex Kondaurov comments:
Gisella Gruber-White:Yrjö - you are unmuted
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Link to Justine Chew comments:
Eduardo Diaz:For second crietria: pass
Robert Pollard:Thanks, Olivier
Aziz:the question please
Heidi Ullrich:The length of time the community has been in existence
Adela Danciu:I would consider it regional, rahter than global
Gisella Gruber-White:Aziz has to leave the call
Adela Danciu:and the 4th criterion is optional, so I would suggest skip it
seth reiss:Lets do it in the alternative, either we agree its territorial or it is not necessary to address
Adela Danciu:it does not apply
Yrjö Länsipuro:not applicable
seth reiss:I prefer to say it does not apply as well
Jose Arce:Yes
Jose Arce:Sorry Dev, Can you repeat the question
Adela Danciu:have we received support for this comment from RALOs as reply to your email, Dev?
Jose Arce:No, Dev, many people made comment but regard other string
seth reiss:I need to step away for a second
Yrjö Länsipuro:if only govts are objecting, that might not be substantial enough as far as we are concerned
Eduardo Diaz:+1
seth reiss:I am back but I did not hear the last question
Eduardo Diaz:I wan t to retract my +1. I missed read Yrjo. I said is a pass based on GAC early warning and ACTO
Eduardo Diaz:If we take into consideration teh number of people in the contries involved
Adela Danciu:on the other hand, even with 2 govt objecting (as I understand from GAC EW) , what would be a "sufficient number" of oppositions to be considered in an objection ...?
Eduardo Diaz:I beleive a government represents evrybody in that country
seth reiss:understood
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:very valid point Robert. Unfortunately, we were bound by having no budget to publicise this in mainstream media. The Review Group Chair did ask on the Governance list, outside ICANN, I believe. Also, our LACRALO ALSes should have done their bit in asking their members. A lot of ALSes in that region, so there *was* consultation. Just not mainstream media :-(
Adela Danciu:sth like that - there will be another check
Eduardo Diaz:Lest's take a tally
Adela Danciu:the problem is actually we don't have enough numbers of expressions for ANY of the strings ...
Eduardo Diaz:pass
Adela Danciu:from At-large I mean
seth reiss:Yes, we need to have YL's suggestion repeated
Adela Danciu:I understand (and agree deep down) with Yrjo's concern, but I'm trying to be practical here ...
Eduardo Diaz:Both JC and AK indicated pass to this criteria
Robert Pollard:From a process perspective, it would seem to make sense to pass on objections, both to allow additional time to mobilize / organize opposition, as well as to move into a next level of engagement with the ICANN process. If ALAC fails all the objections, it's work is esentially over for this round of new gtlds
seth reiss:Deve
seth reiss:Dev, you shoudl probably give us a deadline to submit our responses in writing
Eduardo Diaz:Seith: +1
Adela Danciu:or let's finalise at least this application in order to set the pattern ...?
Eduardo Diaz:next saturday is tomorrow or staurday next week
Eduardo Diaz:ok
Eduardo Diaz:Ok with me.
seth reiss:can you give us one more day. That is 6 AM tomorrow for me and I have a full day
Adela Danciu:@Seth +1
Adela Danciu:16 UTC Sunday?
seth reiss:yes
seth reiss:very merciful of you
Adela Danciu:the docs will be sent via the list, so everybody will receive them anyway, isn't it?
Robert Pollard:The at-large community / general public is always at a significat dsadvantage in engaging in governance,, and this is particulalry the case with as the largely untested and still-developing CANN bureacracy. It might be helpful to acknowledge this in the expression of support for the objections
seth reiss:are we talking about Amazon Detriment now?
Eduardo Diaz:@seith: yes
seth reiss:I probably dissagree with Justine's assessment because I think we need to consider long term affects on the communities ability to utilize a TLD string going forward, for economic and other purposes
Robert Pollard:How about the detriment from the lost opportunity for Amazonians to establish a community / geographid tld to promote didgtal access and opportunities that could arize from a community-based .amazon
Robert Pollard:Seth, I had begun to type this last message, and was delighted to hear you sating essentially the same thing
Adela Danciu:key word here being "prove"
seth reiss:It is an objection based upon theoretical considerations as opposed to historical facts
Adela Danciu:no, just mentioned my idea. thank you
seth reiss:For example, in trademark law, a generic words is not eligible for ownership by any one person. The detriment is proven by economic theory. one need not award the generic word to a commerical firm to find out what happens
Robert Pollard:May not hard to show that enhanced digital capacity, connectivity can lead to significant material ; Surely the eexperience of the last few decades are proof of this relationship
Eduardo is
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Seth: you might wish to comment in:
Adela Danciu:@Seth - following this argument would mean Amazon has not obtained trademark for its name. Which I am quite certain is no the case
Robert Pollard:[Edited] May not be hard to show that enhanced digital capacity, connectivity can lead to significant material resources and benefits; Surely the eexperience of the last few decades are proof of this relationship
seth reiss:yes, and no. geographic designations are often treated the same and geogrphic designations have additional protection so as not to deceive as a source indicator]
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Amazon itself is unclear if it is registered Trademark:
Eduardo Diaz:@Seith: what about patagonia (the company) - Do they have a trademark?
seth reiss:I am sure, but for select goods and sevices and in select countries. A TLD is for all goods and services (everything) for all countries (everywhere)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:usually one uses "Registered Trademark" if one has registered a Trademark. ie: (R). Just adding "tm" by the name is a Trademark that is not registered.
seth reiss:not sure the designature as registered is significant to the issues we are facing
Adela Danciu:@Olivier - from the link I understand the company *has* a trademark on Amazon and the other terms ...
Robert Pollard:Would it not be important to provide for comparable level of discussion for the .nyc, .patagonia, and .health as was afforded to .amazon?
seth reiss:Amason is a registered trademark but each country has a register and there is no such thing as a univeral registraiton.
seth reiss:wrong, I will sleep!
Adela Danciu: - see the list of trademarks
Gisella Gruber-White:Olivier dropped
Gisella Gruber-White:we are dialling him back
T. Lowenhaupt:My latest .nyc comment - https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/newgtldrg/pages/98632380/.nyc_OG
T. Lowenhaupt:My comment was not in response to the city's comment.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:apologies -- ran out of battery. I've just plugged in again
T. Lowenhaupt:It relates to an action it has taken.
T. Lowenhaupt:Thinking.
T. Lowenhaupt:Is it possible to rescind an objection?
T. Lowenhaupt:It seems there is positive action. But I think I should first check with "my community" before commiting.
T. Lowenhaupt:OK..
seth reiss:I need to leave momentary
Robert Pollard:Rachel Sterne Haot 's recent response re .nyc deserves a rebutak; and New Yorkers deserve a much better framework for .nyc - and not a superficial proposal that mostly amounts to seeing it as a promotional vehicle and a modest revenue stream, but that fails to associate itself with fundamentals of a world-class digital city that embraces universal access, strengthening digital literacy and access as well as the development of digital structure in support of PlaNTV - plan for a greater, greener New York by reducing our ecological./ carbon footprint by substituting digital consumption, including minimizing travel and congestion - and becoming a smarter, greener New York City
Eduardo Diaz:motion to close the meeting
Eduardo Diaz:Gracias
T. Lowenhaupt:Thanks once again.
Jose Arce:Thanks Dev !!! bye all !!!!
Adela Danciu:thank you ! good night!
Yrjö Länsipuro:Bye
Gisella Gruber-White:Thank you all!
T. Lowenhaupt:We should act on those in our ballpark - not what we think others think will think of our action.
T. Lowenhaupt:bye
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