Sub-Group Members: Elaine Pruis, Jay Daley, Jeffrey Eckhaus, Patricia Poblete, Paul Kane
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Bernard Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p4u3jy4dalj/
The audio recording is available here:
DTA , awaiting approval from ICANN for release flowchart diagram
Last Week call,
Paul, Kim Davies, Elise Gehrich. Initial conversation around report presented. Some questions around procedures. Need for more detailed.
DIPD process kicked-off, in the standard process
Paul K advised he talked to NTIA legal,
Detailed workflow, explains some of the questions around details in DT-A document
In meantime IANA staff (Kim) looked at the document and identified some additional issues.
IANA received document 1.5 weeks ago. Look at it from implementation perspective.
Challenge with simplified workflow.
Challenge of simplified workflow, does not capture corner cases, which drive the deviations
Jay: when flowchart is released, discuss workflow again
Bernie: Last week Elise submitted, be clear Kim had offered to participate in DTA
Issue around the percentage.
Proposed Agenda:
NotesDifficulty to understand origin of he percentages. Example over last year 80 change request per month. With such low number 99% efectively means 100 %
If monthly SLE,
Jay: Highlight which percentages are causing issues,
Issues with performance
Kim: Description of some of the services are not clear to ICANN staff.
Unclear what is intended to encapsulate
Jay: easy to provide clarity
Percentage are related to expectation of automation, those who are not linked to automation are lower
Kim: some of the metrics are activities currently not undertaken
How do measure when sms or mail are received
Paul K" What would be helpful, what is used
Jay: Measuring is pretty standard way of doing things, to measure the customer experience.
Kim: Clarification is useful to understand viability of measures
Other issues
Lack of specificity of services
Change to technical contact
How to go from 15 days to several hours, need
Paul :
Issue only focused on automated interface, some are not
New services being developed, authorization services
Kim adding new contacts, presented in Singapore, needs community consultation and need to go
Broader issue,, how does SLE are revised to support new functionality
Paul K Authorization could be removed, if not introduced before the transition
Some of the elements in SLE are not contracted functions i.e. are not overseen by NTIA,
Implement some functions for others ( for example RIR), affect Root zone
Driven by IETF action
Paul K: invites IANA staff to work to go through document
Bernie: need to clear up some of the unclarity. Need to work collaboratively on the document
Jay: IANA offer was received and acknowledged. At the time it was taken up in order to allow the group to get
Paul: IANA staff is welcomed to complete task
Next steps:
IANA staff relative to some of the issues, while wait for DIDP
Jay: IANA is advising the group, not as participant
Action IANA get some more material in writing
Action Items
Action IANA get some more material in writing
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer:Welcome to the DT-A Meeting on 13 April.
Brenda Brewer:I can hear you, Jay.
Jay Daley:thanks Brenda
Jeffrey Eckhaus:trying to find the phone number . will dial in shortly
Jeffrey Eckhaus:I am on the call and in the chat twice. seems my phone number has come up as a participant
Brenda Brewer:Are we ready to begin the recording?
Patricio Poblete:Hi all, sorry to be late
Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Brenda yes
Patricio Poblete:In section "Service Definition and Availability" I think high uptime requirements are well justified. I am not convinced that thenumbers should be different, though.
Jay Daley:back in one minute
Jay Daley:back
Jay Daley:I agree Patricio
Paul Kane:Thanks Patricio - I agree
Paul Kane:Kim - ok
Paul Kane:We have 5 minutes left anyone else want to say anything
Elaine Pruis-Donuts 2:thank you kim
Patricio Poblete:good bye everyone
Kim Davies:Thanks everyone
Paul Kane:Thanks