Leadership Members: Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Susan Kawaguchi, Alan Greenberg
ICANN Organization: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Jackie Treiber, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: /
- Final Report
- Outstanding Issues
- Consensus
- Sections sent to Translation
- A.O.B.
Documents: PDF
AC Chat: N/AEN
Decisions Reached: /
Action Items:
- Law Enforcement Needs: remove the "billing" bar under section "RDS WHOIS Lookup use" by modifying the image graph.
- Susan to review whether operational input was incorporated in Objective 6.
- Jean-Baptiste to populate Appendix H.
- Appendix I: cut and paste from draft report the two sections on relevant research for privacy/proxy services, and common interface
- Alan to send out private messages to Volker and Stephanie on final report recommendations.
- Alan to review final report and insert something relevant to getting consensus (executive summary) cf. Thomas not being replaced.
- Jean-Baptiste to send out a reminder to Stephanie on rec.4 Compliance missing paragraph
- Jean-Baptiste to distribute final report (without style) to review team once ready.
- Jean-Baptiste to liaise with Negar on point raised by Alan following their meeting.