The next meeting of the EPDP– Phase 2 PDP Legal subteam is scheduled on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 at 1415:00 UTC for 75 minutes 2 hours
0706:00 PDT, 1009:00 EDT, 1615:00 Paris CESTCET, 19:00 Karachi PKT, 23:00 Tokyo JST, (Wednesday) 0001:00 Melbourne AEDT
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PROPOSED AGENDA EPDP Phase 2 Legal Committee Meeting #12 17 December 2019
a)Substantive review of SSAD questions (beginning where LC left off during last LC meeting)
In light of the finalized guidelines on the territorial scope of the GDPR and the ECJ opinion on regarding the right to be forgotten (Google case), are there any modifications you would propose to your previous memo on the territorial scope of the GDPR? b)Agree on next steps
3. Continue review of Priority 2 Legal Questions – WHOIS Accuracy and City Field Redaction a) Substantive review of Priority 2 Legal Questions: i. Volker’s updated draft questions on Privacy/Proxy + Uniform Anonymized Email address: The group has discussed the option of replacing the email address provided by the data subject with an alternate email address that would in and of itself not identify the data subject (Example: 'sfjgsdfsafgkas@pseudo.nym'). With this approach, two options emerged in the discussion, where (a) the same unique string would be used for multiple registrations by the data subject ('pseudonymisation'), or (b) the string would be unique for each registration ('anonymization'). Under option (a), the identity of the data subject might - but need not necessarily - become identifiable by cross-referencing the content of all domain name registrations the string is used for. From these options, the following question arose: 1) Under options (a) and/or (b), would the the alternate address have to be considered as personal data of the data subject under the GDPR and what would be the legal consequences and risks of this determination with regard to the proposed publication of this string in the publicly accessible part of the registration data service (RDS)? ii. Matthew’s updated questions on Legal v. Natural: Proposed Legal Question As a follow-up to the previously provided memos on Accuracy and Legal vs. Natural persons, the EPDP team requests the following clarification on the scope of the GDPR accuracy principle under Article 5.1(d). As a reminder, one proposal to address the issue of treating all registration data as containing personal data is to allow registrants to self-identify as legal persons at the time of registration. Contracted parties would rely on this self-identification (which could be inaccurate) when deciding whether to redact the registration data. Question 1: Does the accuracy principle only take into account the interests of the data subject and the controller, or does the principle also consider the interests of third-parties (in this case law enforcement, IP rights holders, and others who would request the data from the controller for their own purposes)? In responding to this question, can you please clarify the parties/interests that we should consider in general, and specifically when interpreting the following passages from the prior memos:
Question 2: The Legal vs. Natural person memo discusses a “risk of liability” if additional steps are not taken to ensure the accuracy of data. How do you characterize the level of risk of liability - low, medium, or high? What is the threshold for “reason to doubt” registrant self-identification that triggers this risk of liability? Is the risk in Paragraph 17 the same or different than the risk discussed in Paragraph 23?
b)Agree on next steps
4. Wrap and confirm next meeting to be scheduled a)Confirm action items b)The next Legal Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 7 January at 15:00 UTC. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS |
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Notes/ Action Items