PROPOSED AGENDA EPDP Meeting #40 Agenda Tuesday, 29 January 2019 - Roll Call & SOI Updates (5 minutes)
2. Welcome and Updates from EPDP Team Chair (5 minutes) - Reminder: process for email discussions and upcoming deadlines (see also and
- Review of outstanding action items
- Other updates, if applicable
3. Continue review of public comments on Initial Report and/or revised recommendations - Recommendation 5 – Data elements to be transferred from registrar to registry: the team will review the public comments while small teams will review the data elements (30 minutes)
- Silent review of comments received (see PCRT and discussion table at (5 minutes)
- Question for team: which concerns / data elements merit group discussion? Specifically, do any of the concerns / data elements suggested present new information the EPDP Team has not discussed during its formulation of this purpose or recommendation? (20 minutes)
- Confirmation of agreement reached or next steps to come to agreement (5 minutes)
b. Recommendation 12 Reasonable Access (30 minutes) - Review of updated language circulated by Alex Deacon on behalf of small team - (5 minutes)
- Consider updated language – does it address the concerns expressed during the public comment? (20 minutes)
- Confirmation of agreement reached or next steps to come to agreement (5 minutes)
10 minute break c. Recommendation #1 – Additional Purposes (20 minutes) - Review input received to date (RrSG, ALAC, NCSG) (5 minutes) (see attached)
- Confirmation of agreement reached or next steps to come to agreement (5 minutes)
d. Recommendation 11 – Data retention (20 minutes) - Review small team recommendation and input provided (RySG, RrSG, GAC) (5 minutes) (see attached)
- Consider updated language – does it address the concerns expressed during the public comment? (20 minutes)
- Confirmation of agreement reached or next steps to come to agreement (5 minutes)
4. Next steps to get to Final Report (15 minutes) - Updated Timeline (see attached)
- See draft Final Report circulated to the mailing list (see [])
- Process for review (see [])
5. Wrap and confirm next meeting to be scheduled for Thursday, 31 January 2019 at 14.00 UTC (5 minutes) Confirm action itemsConfirm questions for ICANN Org, if any• First review of Purpose 1 & logic concept - Alan W • Reactions from plenary discussion on Rec #5 • Discuss definitions • Confirm logic approach in workbook 2 sent by Berry -make global processing activity role changes desprition per suggestion in Purpose -distinction of disclosure -min. public data set - "Base set" -change of legend and designations • Discuss data flow diagrams • Prepare update to Plenary, 31 Jan. BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS
Annex D - Data Elements Workbooks - 16 Jan 2019.docx Annex D.pdf Data Elements Matrix_v1.1.pdf |