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1. Though no representatives from newly accredited APRALO ALSs were not on the call (180 Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN)181 South Pacific Computer Society and (182) ISOC Nepal), but they were all welcomed to APRALO.

2. Then Satish did very informative presentation of his ALS and the information also is posted on wiki page (https://icann-community.







3. Satish also gave brief update for Meeting Strategy Working Group Summary – Satish Babu. And here are some highlights from his update:


4. Policy rundown was done by Olivier as agreed. He presented those policy issues, which had been voted already, as well as talked about those, which are in the process of public comments and discussions. Me and Olivier once again asked ALSs to come up with their suggestions and participate actively in public comments (staff provided all appropriate links for the policy issues being in the process of discussions).

Silvia also posted the At Large Policy Development page: (https://icann-community.




net/wiki/display/alacpolicydev/At-Large+Policy+Development+Page) for all ALSs to review.

5. a) The cooperation between APRALO and APNIC was brought to the attention. The points of your report were highlighted. Maureen mentioned that there is already a very good cooperation established in Pacific. As you mentioned in your report, I have asked participants to come up with their suggestions, how they see our cooperation should be, what should be included in the MOU, any trainings needed to be asked from APNIC. Olivier also mentioned that APNIC is providing some funds for participation in the regional events, so our cooperation would be mutually beneficial. And this was taken by the staff as an action item as well.


6. Action Items for ALS:

6.1 Updating APRALO ALS – I asked everyone to visit the wiki page for ALSs and provide updates for their respective ALSs and if needed the staff will support them technically. Silvia also asked to provide the logos and information to be posted.
