The Internet Society is an independent, international, nonprofit, cost-based organization organisation established in 1992 by two of the fathers of the Internet: Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn. We are dedicated to the stability, continuity and advancement of the Internet, not for its own sake but rather for the benefits the Internet can bring to all people. We accomplish this by advancing critical Internet technologies and best practices, and by providing technical information, advice, and training programs. We have long been very active in capacity building activities that have helped many developing countries get online. Of equal importance, we promote national and international policies that support the expansion and evolution of the Internet throughout the world. We do all these things by partnering with a broad range of stakeholders, civil society, private sector, governments, and international organizations. The Internet Society is also the organizational home for the groups responsible for Internet standards, including the Internet Engineering Task Force, the IETF, and the IAB. has over 80 chapters around the world including two chapters here in India. ISOC is headquartered Geneva, Switzerland and Washington, D.C., with a distributed work force in 12 countries, including Region of Bureaus in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. We have been deeply involved throughout the World Summit on the Information Society and then the Internet Governance Forum. Our support of the IGF has been significant, including funding assistance and workshop and program development. But perhaps more importantly, the Internet Society has brought experts from diverse backgrounds and geographies with real on the ground experience to every IGF so that the discussion, the experience sharing, and the practical take-aways are all the richer. ISOC in India ISOC has “chapters” around the world. A chapter is a group of ISOC members who come together to represent the Internet needs of their community and to pursue ISOC’s mission of an Internet for everyone. In India there are currently two chapters, ISOC India – Chennai and ISOC India – New DelhiThe Internet Society India Chennai Chapter primarily works to purshe ue the mission of the Internet Society to further the evolution of the Internet. The ISOC Chennai At-Large Structure was formed as a division of the ISOC Chapter with volunteers from among the Members of the ISOC Chapter. As an At Large Structure, ISOC India Chennai ALS pursues Internet User's interests by taking part and contributing to policy discussions at the national and global level, including by participation in ICANN meetings, Internet Governance Forums. |