DATE: Thursday, 07 March 2024TIME: 15:00-16:00 ASTROOM: 104 ABC (GNSO)ICANN79 Session Link |
**The full agenda came together during the ICANN79 week and this agenda has now been updated below.
- GNSO review of the GAC Communique - identify volunteers to support Jeff
- PPSAI next steps - determination if anything further is needed beyond “wait and see”
- CCWG-AP next steps
- Rec 7 amendment - how to approach
- Bylaws public comment - determination if Council comment is needed
- GAC concerns about the SOI - next steps for the Council, if any
- Review of the GNSO liaison to the GAC position | Presentation
- Workback timeline to assign new representative by Kigali
- ATRT4 - feedback on whether this needs to proceed per the Bylaw or it should be deferred
- (time-permitting) ADR review