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ICANN71 – GNSO Council Working Session



 Monday, 14 June 2021



 14:30 - 16:00



  Zoom 4 (GNSO)


Topic #1

Status of Implementation of GNSO Policy Recommendations

Background & Objective

A status update is provided by ICANN org’s GDS staff in the GNSO Policy Briefing outlining the status of implementation of the different GNSO policy recommendations that have been adopted by the ICANN Board. This is an opportunity for the GNSO Council and             GNSO community to 1) ask further questions, 2) better understand potential challenges and, 3) better understand what is needed to get some of these to the finish line. Council members and SG/Cs would be requested to identify questions in advance to allow for a constructive and interactive discussion.

Materials to be reviewed

GNSO Policy Briefing (status of IRTs)


Questions to be addressed

Council/SG/Cs to identify questions in advance of the meeting to allow for an interactive discussion with responsible GDS staff. (Council and SG/C members can submit proposed questions to


Topic #2

Future of ICANN Meetings

Background & Objective

On Monday, 12 October 2020, ICANN org announced the Future of ICANN Public Meetings Survey to all community chairs, followed by a Board/Community Focus on ICANN Meetings session at ICANN69. The results of the survey in combination with a summary of community feedback were subsequently shared with the SO/AC Chairs in January 2021. A discussion on the Future of ICANN meetings is being scheduled by ICANN org at ICANN71.

Materials to be reviewed

Link to ICANN71 session

Previous GNSO input on this topic (see pages 25-27 of this document. 

Questions to be addressed

  1. What are common GNSO perspectives on the topic of Future of ICANN meetings that can be conveyed by the GNSO Chair during this session? 


Topic #3

Prioritization and Resource Planning

Background & Objective

The GNSO Council has put in place a number of tools to facilitate project planning and oversight such as the Program Management Tool (PMT) and the Action Decision Radar (ADR). This has greatly helped in the organization and planning of the work, but it does not sufficiently address the resource component. For example, there are a number of projects that have been on the 0-1 month horizon but there is insufficient capacity for the GNSO community to take on this work, despite most of these work items being the result of community recommendations (e.g. WS2, ATRT3, SSR2).  

Materials to be reviewed

GNSO Council Program Management Tools

Questions to be addressed

  1. What can and should be done to better factor in the resource component, both from the perspective of resources needed to implement recommendations that are proposed by the community as well as how to organize the work items queue?
  2. What are your community’s main concerns and challenges as regards workload and priority issues, taking into account what’s on the ADR and shown by the PMT?