GNSO Wrap Up meeting - Thursday 12:15 - 13:15 local time
Draft agenda
- Review of ICANN65 GAC Advice
- Next steps for ATRT3
- Reminder of small team activities:
- Input on the IRP Standing Panel (Volunteers: Flip, Elsa)
- IDNs (Volunteers: Rubens, Maxim, Philippe, Edmon)
- CCT-RT Recommendations (Volunteers: Pam)
- IGO-INGO Charter Drafting (Volunteers: Martin, Elsa, Paul)
- Correspondence and proposed next steps for:
- Request for Clarification on Data Accuracy and Phase-2 of the Expedited Policy Development Process (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data
- ICANN org's preparation toward implementation of a new round of gTLDs (assumptions document)
- ICANN66 Meeting Planning
- Whether to have an informal dinner (and volunteer to organize if yes)
- Input to leadership for planning purposes
- Council liaison replacement (Reconvened WG on Red Cross- IRT: Currently Keith)
- Reminder - Attend Impacts of EPDP Phase 1 session from 15:15-16:45 (