Draft Agenda:
- Update – Cross Community Working Group on the Use of Country and Territory Names
- Update – Competition, Consumer Trust & Consumer Choice Review Team
- Promoting applications from underserved regions/developing countries
- Community applications
- Geographic Names and other Names of public interest
- Safeguards / PICs
- How can implementation work proceed in parallel with policy development?
- Streamlining the .Brand process (time-permitting)
F2F: PDP on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures – Wednesday 29 June, 1045 – 1500
This is a face-to-face meeting of the Policy Development Process (PDP) Working Group (WG) on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures. This PDP WG is intended to review issues identified from the 2012 round of the New gTLD Program and determine if changes or adjustments for subsequent new gTLD procedures are needed. This session will provide an opportunity for Working Group members and others interested in the future of New gTLDs to meet face to face and discuss issues related to the PDP effort. Interested community members are invited to attend this open meeting to provide feedback on the various subjects being considered.
Who should attend and why:
Community members that have an interest in improving and/or expanding upon the existing new gTLD policy recommendations. The PDP WG has preliminarily considered a number of overarching topics and is currently gathering inputs from the community on these topics. This session provides PDP WG members and audience members the opportunity to provide the PDP WG with critical guidance for its deliberations.
What to expect from this session:
This session will be led by the PDP WG co-chairs Avri Doria, Jeff Neuman, and Steve Coates, and be supported by ICANN Policy Staff members Steve Chan and Julie Hedlund.
During this session, the PDP WG will focus discussion on a series of topics that it has preliminarily considered and will be seeking feedback to make progress on near-term activities as outlined in the WG’s work plan (https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NICABg). This an open session and all who are interested are welcomed to participate. For further information about this PDP-WG, please see https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AoCABg.
Draft Agenda F2F Session 1:
- Intro
- Discussion of overarching subjects
- Discussion of CC1 input received received (can still be in progress)
Draft Agenda F2F Session 2:
- Work plan
- Discuss contents of work tracks
- Discuss a set of pre-determined, pointed questions related to the high level work tracks?
i. How will topics that cross over between work tracks be properly managed?
ii. With work being managed by sub teams, how will topics be considered holistically?
iii. Etc.
- Creating work tracks
- Logistics: Create mailing lists, Wiki resources, elect leadership
- How do we collect volunteers? Sign up on Wiki?
- Discuss coordination of sub team work, how full WG should function and how often it would meet
- Begin preliminary discussions on specific track-based subjects?