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Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG)


ICANN 53, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Libertador C Room

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

0900 to 1700 Local Time





0809:00 – 08:45              New TLD Applicant Group (NTAG) Meeting

08:45                           Break

09:00 – 09:30              RySG Meeting – Welcome and Introductions09:30      Open Meeting

  1. Introductions
  2. Review and approve agenda
  3. Briefing and discussion from 6/21/15 Contracted Party House Executive Committee session with ICANN staff


09:30 – 10:45              45      Engagement with ICANN Staff 

  1. 2 Character Country Names at the Second Level
  2. GDD Scorecard – open issues/action (Yasmin Omer)
  3. ICANN Registry Fees going forward (Xavier Calvez and Chuck Gomes)
  4. Registry Agreement Amendment  (Jon Nevett)
  5. GDD Industry Summit – results of survey and potential topics for agenda (Krista Papac)
  6. Studies/metrics to inform AOC Review of New gTLD Program (Karen Lentz)
  7. AOB?


10:45                           45                    Break


11:00 – 12:45              45      RySG Business (working luncheon)12:45                           Break

  1. Review topics for discussion with ICANN Board
  2. GNSO Council Issues and Motions (Jonathan Robinson)
  3. GAC request for feedback, proposed implementation procedures (Donna Austin, Susan Payne, Kristina Rosette)
  4. Pending RySG comments (Paul Diaz)
  5. URS and Legacy TLDs
  6. RySG Evolution 3 Working Group update on Charter Amendments (Paul Diaz)
  7. Role of RySG Executive Committee going forward (Keith Drazek)
  8. Universal Acceptance Steering Group (USAG) (Don Hollander, Edmon Chung)
  9. GAC Public Safety Working Group (PSWG) (Bobby Flaim) (15 minutes)




  1. Interest Groups Updates
  •   NTAG (Samantha Demetriou)
  •   GeoTLD (Dirk Krischenowski/Peter Vergote)
  •   Community
  •   Brand Registry Group  (Philip Sheppard)


13:00 – 14:00              00      Joint RySG/RrSG meeting (Libertador C)14:00                           

  1. GNSO Review Report (with Westlake Consulting) (20 minutes)
  2. GNSO Council Issues and Motions
  3. Planning for GNSO Council Chair nominations
  4. Pending Public Comments for review and discussion as still pending/needed:
    1. RAA WHOIS Accuracy Program Specification Review (due 7/3/15)
    2. Privacy and Proxy Working Group Draft Report (due 7/7/15)
  5. URS in Legacy TLDs
  6. Review of Ry and Rr topics for discussion with ICANN Board
  7. AOB?


14:00                    Adjourn for meeting with ICANN Board


14:15 – 15:15              15      RySG Session with ICANN Board (Libertador AB)

  1. Operational Issues (Data Breach, TMCH, etc.)
  2. Budgeting (Allocation of resources, cost-benefit analysis, forecasting, etc.)
  3. IANA Transition and ICANN Accountability (placeholder in case there are key issues to discuss)


15:30 – 16:45              45      RySG and Other Business (continued from morning session)

  1. ICANN Accountability and IANA Stewardship Transition
    1. IANA Stewardship Transition CWG (Donna Austin, Chuck Gomes)

                                                                                         i.    Kim Davies, IANA SLAs and Delegation Process (15:30)

  1. ICANN Accountability CCWG (Keith Drazek, Becky Burr)


16:45                            45                     Wrap up and Adjourn


17:00 – 18:00      RySG Reception for Contracted Party House (Catalinas Room)


[i] The NTAG will meet from 08:00 to 08:45 (agenda will be posted under separate cover)