1.- METRICS WG Feedback: Garth will garth.bruen to request feedback from all the NARALO ALSes.
2.- Heidi Ullrich Heidi to look for a Digital certificate of Gareth's Shearman.
3.- Update on the Native Scholarship/fellowship program from staff - Formal Documentation Requested – Heidi informed that the Program Fellowship Plus will be announced early next year .
4. - Heidi Ullrich to request information from Christopher Mondini on disabled community access activities.
5. - Garth garth.bruen to let Sandra Hofferichter and other organizers of the ICANN Academy know of the need for training for RALO Leaders and Secretariats.
6. Nathalie Peregrine The ALS RALO database is to show the date of updating.
7. Staff are Nathalie Peregrine to notify RALO leaders and the ALAC members when the RALO ALS database is updated.