00:15:57 Denise Hochbaum: Replying to "I'm registered to pa…"
Because, São Paulo is my original town, i will take advantage and stay with my dad.
00:16:16 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Reacted to "Because, São Paulo i..." with
00:16:21 Evan Leibovitch: Replying to "I'm registered to pa..."00:17:31 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: @Denise Hochbaum , there is an At-Large workspace for At-Large at NETmundial+10, including a list of people participating in person and remotely - see: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=99691193
00:17:58 Glenn McKnight: Greetings All
00:18:18 Alfredo Calderon : Reacted to "Greetings All" with
00:18:30 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Welcome Glenn !
00:18:35 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/alacpolicydev/overview
00:18:38 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Reacted to "Greetings All" with
00:20:33 Glenn McKnight: Howdy Silvia
00:21:31 Waqar Ahmad: Reacted to "Greetings All" with
00:22:12 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99703963/2024+NARALO+Regional+Selections
00:24:19 Glenn McKnight: Bill has done a great job for us on ALAC
00:24:53 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Nomination period ends on April 28
00:25:09 Alfredo Calderon : Thank you @Bill Jouris for your service and hope to keep seeing you around no matter what is your final decision.
00:26:24 Judith Hellerstein: Yes. Bill Jouris you have done a great job and hoping you will stay active in the CPWG
00:26:58 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: MAY 16 - UA DAY
00:27:02 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: @Greg Shatan, ISOC-NY May 16
00:27:34 Waqar Ahmad: The time period for the self-nomination is same as nomination by someone for ALAC position?
00:27:37 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: See the NARALO UA day wiki for updates: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NARALO/pages/110256948/NARALO+UA+Day+2024
00:28:16 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Replying to "The time period for ..."
Yes @Waqar Ahmad same nomination timeframe for all positions
00:28:22 Glenn McKnight: @Wagar any position is open to self nomination
00:28:47 Waqar Ahmad: Reacted to "@Wagar any position ..." with
00:28:56 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: UA DAY Location:
New York City
The Chrysler Building (12th Floor)
405 Lexington Ave. NY, NY, 10174-1299
Date: 16 May 2024
Time: 3-hour event: 3 - 6 pm ET
Format: Hybrid: Live and Online (Zoom + Livestream)
00:28:58 Waqar Ahmad: Thank you Glenn and Silvia
00:28:59 Denise Hochbaum: I have to leave momentarily but I eill be back in 10 min.
00:29:30 Evan Leibovitch: My take on UA -- especially the end-user aspects of it -- is already expressed well on the ALAC mailing list so I won't repeat it here.
00:30:42 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Roundtable recordings are posted : https://icann79.sched.com/event/1a1D9
00:30:58 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Al the zoom recordings are already posted
00:31:42 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: The North American Fellows and NextGen appreciated the networking with NARALO.
00:32:06 Glenn McKnight: FYI Seattle meeting 8-13 March 2025
00:33:00 Glenn McKnight: If you recall we did a remote Beer Tasting from a Beer experts and perhaps we might want to have it for real with the expert
00:33:01 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: There is an At-Large workspace for the NETmundial+10 at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=99691193
00:34:48 Glenn McKnight: Flyer we used for the Tim Beer Tasting event https://www.canva.com/design/DAEoyh1_AFI/IdLnd9nNgHBq7vsCV9Usfg/view?utm_content=DAEoyh1_AFI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
00:34:55 Evan Leibovitch: Just curious ... for those who have registered, what sector did you register under. I did Civil Society by process of elimination.
00:35:06 Glenn McKnight: If interested I can reach out to Tim to see if he still does this
00:35:24 David Mackey: Reacted to "There is an At-Large..." with
00:35:26 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: @Glenn McKnight , in person this time, correct?
00:35:49 Glenn McKnight: Yes Heidi it would be in person
00:36:15 Glenn McKnight: Just looking if the group would be interested, if yes, I will volunteer in the planning group
00:36:53 Alfredo Calderon : Replying to "Just looking if the ..."
How many people can his place hold? That is, if he still does it.
00:36:53 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99689356/2024-04-02+At-Large+Webinar+on+the+ICANN+Grant+Program
00:37:37 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Re-listen to the Grant Program webinar above with lots of useful information and guidance
00:37:43 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: Another AOB item if I may: The WSIS+20 Outreach Network will host two one-hour interactive webinars to discuss the zero draft of the Global Digital Compact (GDC) and its implications. The webinars will provide a space for stakeholders to share information and engage in discussions on how to preserve and continue to evolve the multistakeholder model of Internet governance.
00:37:48 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: Links to register:
00:37:57 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: Wednesday, 17 April 2024 | 14:00 UTC
Thursday, 18 April 2024 | 01:00 UTC
00:38:11 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Thank you @Naela Sarras - ICANN Org
00:38:48 Glenn McKnight: The 501C Charity status and Full Audited statements a bit of problem for most applicants. Need a viable lead application
00:38:56 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Prior to submitting a proposal, please ask your questions to the Grant Program support team.
00:39:32 Waqar Ahmad: Reacted to "Links to register:" with
00:40:27 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: @Evan Leibovitch , the ALAC submitted a FY25 funding request for a global end user survey using a survey company.
00:41:11 Evan Leibovitch: Reacted to "@Evan Leibovitch , t..." with
00:41:25 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Reacted to "@Evan Leibovitch , t..." with
00:41:56 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Reacted to "Links to register:" with
00:42:03 Glenn McKnight: @Greg I get emails from Ozan on CROP reports I think they need to go to Adrian
00:45:31 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Replying to "@Greg I get emails f..."
@Glenn McKnight thank you for noting I will touch base with Ozan,
00:46:01 Glenn McKnight: Replying to "@Greg I get emails f..."
00:47:12 David Mackey: Reacted to "Links to register:" with
00:49:01 Glenn McKnight: If anyone is interested in VSIG, Virtual School of Internet Governance our next English course starts in September. Here is blog post of one our students from the Spanish course https://www.virtualsig.org/2024/04/15/navigating-cyberspace-reflections-on-internet-governance/
00:50:01 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Reacted to "If anyone is interes..." with
00:50:27 Bill Jouris: It was, to be kind, a politically inept implementation
00:50:32 Glenn McKnight: Registration link https://forms.gle/wC24ZH9bsF5uX4Gg6
00:51:56 Daphne Ekpe: Replying to "The North American F…"
Yes we appreciate!
00:53:00 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Reacted to "The North American F..." with
00:53:15 Daphne Ekpe: Reacted to "The North American F…" with
00:53:17 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Reacted to "Yes we appreciate!" with
00:56:59 Judith Hellerstein: In naralo we used crop funding to supplement our slots so not sure why afralo couldn’t do just that
01:00:52 Glenn McKnight: People are waiting patiently to comment
01:03:43 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: 2 hands up - Judith and Denise
01:04:18 Evan Leibovitch: Thanks, Bill. Not the most satisfying answer, but a valid one that needs follow-up.
01:04:18 Bill Jouris: Or didn't envision that such a thing would be the result of their request
01:05:00 Bill Jouris: Replying to "Thanks, Bill. Not th..."
There's a lot of dissatisfaction over the fact that this is all the answer that is available.
01:05:05 Jonathan Zuck: Sessions. workgroups, etc.
01:06:27 Evan Leibovitch: Reacted to "There's a lot of dis..." with
01:06:38 Bill Jouris: I had been of the impression that the Ralo chairs were part of the small team that created this. But is sounds from Greg's answer that he was not. Greg, can you speak to that?
01:13:17 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Time check - we are at the top of the hour
01:14:32 Naela Sarras - ICANN Org: I have to drop off. Thanks all
01:14:54 Glenn McKnight: Thanks all, need to run. Glenn
01:15:06 Eduardo Díaz: Got it
01:15:16 Jonathan Zuck: THAT was the problem, for sure.
01:15:23 Evan Leibovitch: Obviously this is all after-the-fact... but is needed if the Ombuds is asking for more-coherent travel guidelines by ALAC.
01:15:48 David Mackey: +1 Greg
01:17:21 Waqar Ahmad: Thanks everyone
01:17:21 Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org: Thank you all
01:17:21 Alfredo Calderon : Bye to all!