2. Review of Action Items of call July 2012 - Darlene Thompson (2 min)
2.1 NARALO Monthly call 2013.08.12 - Focus on ROP Changes
2.3 NARALO call time will observe DST until its end Sunday 3 November 2013 (See 12.2 for details)
2.4 Staff: On a March 18 2013 ALAC briefing call on RAA changes staff (Margie Milam and Sam Eisner) were asked to identify ICANN's economic advisers and provide the economic study document that was the basis for changes to RAA 3.3.6 and 3.3.7, Will At-Large staff please forward this request again? (This is the six call for this information) – Heidi – she has spoken to legal and has been assured that it will come out no later than Wednesday.
3. Meetings & Events (5 Minutes)
3.1 ATLAS Timeline
Eduardo: We are a bit behind. The survey should have gone out by Sept. 1 but it hasn’t yet. We have been having difficulties getting in touch with Wolf Ludwig. There is still time but we need to keep this moving.
3.1.2 The Summit will be at ICANN50 London, England 22-26 June 2014 (Was 6.1 )
3.1.3 ATLAS 2: A call for volunteers to work in a WG that is being assembled
3.1.4 At-Large Summit II Working Group (ATLAS II)
3.1.5 When is next WG Call?
5.1 A discussion lead by Garth B. and Tom L. on reserving the strings "At-Large" and "AtLarge" within all new gTLDs. The purpose is to keep these names available for At-Large activities within new communities which emerge from within the new gTLDs. Because of At-Large's unique role in the ICANN community this is on opportunity for us to stake a claim in the namespace and promote our work. Should bring this to the attention of other regions. This will also prevent cyberquatters from holding our chartered identity and potentially misusing it. THANKS to Tom for bringing this to the Chair's attention.
5.1.1 Referenced in Module 2 of the applicant guidebook
5.3 Changes to NARALO Operating Procedures (Proposed, for discussion and consensus). See NARALO ROPs WIKI
5.3.1: #7 Removal of the phrase "as long as they fulfill the language requirements" and expansion from "person" to "persons".
8.3.2 19 September - Meeting in Washington D.C. – Heidi – Alan and Olivier will be attending.
8.4 FBSC Wednesday 11th September – Fast track approvals will be announced.
8.5 IGO INGO PDP Wednesday 11th September
8.6 IRTP D Monday 9th September
8.7 TTF Monday 9th September – Gordon Chillcott – each meeting they test a new conferencing tool
8.4 Going forward, the Chair will request all NARALO working group leaders provide updates to the Monthly Reports (Garth)
9. At-Large Advisory Committee "ALAC" Issues (Olivier, Evan, Eduardo, Alan - 10 Minutes)
9.1 Call for Volunteers about the newly formed GNSO Metrics and Reporting Working Group
9.2 ALAC Statement on the Community Priority Evaluation (CPE) Guidelines Update from ICANN (Vote complete)
9.3 ALAC Statement on the Explore the Draft Next Generation gTLD Directory Services Model (Vote complete)
9.4 Policy Advice Development Page
9.5 Board-Stakeholder Action List
9.6 Policy Advice Development Page
9.7 Board-Stakeholder Action List
10. ICANN Functions (5 Minutes) (Communication Strategy III.5)
10.1 Compliance Tracking