Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the NARALO February monthly call on Monday 11 February 2013 at 2000 UTC.
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/wwdlAgrQ6SBg
Eduardo Diaz:¡Hola a todos! I was able to make it to this meeting.
Darlene Thompson:Hola Eduardo!
Garth Bruen:good day all
Tom Lowenhaupt:Hello.
Glenn:Back in
Avri Doria:i am here too if only listening on the Adobe.
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Avri - my apology! I have noted your name in the attendees list
Heidi:NARALO Meeting in Beijing:
Heidi:Tuesday, 9 April 2013NARALO MeetingTime 7:30-8:30 (TBC)Meeting Room: TBD
Glenn:If I have a NOMCOM meeting I will not be able to attend
Heidi:NARALO Communication and Recruitment Sub-Committee Workspace: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/NARALO/pages/110235495/NARALO+Outreach+and+Recruitment+Sub-Committee
Joly MacFie:I am thinking of nominating George Sadowsky
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Good idea
Glenn:Yes he is a board member, former chair of NOMCOM etc
Heidi:You are very clear, Avri
Joly MacFie:He did a lot of grunt work in connecting Africa and other countries in the early 90s
Joly MacFie:I have him talking about in 200 or so
Joly MacFie:2000
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Sunday's agenda in Beijing: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/Y4U3AgAQ7vBQ
Alan Greenberg:For LAC, rule is that all COUNTRIES are weighted envenly. Therefore in a country with multiple ALSs per country an ALS has lower weighting.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Discussion of Article 27 of revised ROPs (16:00-16:45) (Moderator: Olivier Crépin-Leblond)
Joly MacFie:Avri you a bit loud.
Glenn:What is the implications
Avri Doria:gee Joly, usually i am too quiet.
Glenn:Missing something on it's relevance to NARALO ?
Avri Doria:I am asking that instead of the NARALO chair voting, each of the ALS reps have a vote. I thnk that affects the A:Lses and RALOs.
Glenn:are we going to vote on your proposal?
Avri Doria:I was looking for community discussion, not just ALAC
Alan Greenberg:Avri, for clarity, are you saying that an ALS votes with equal weightingto an ALAC member, or all together their communal vote replace the Chair vote?
Glenn:yes, Alan is correct, what exactly are we supporting
Avri Doria:Was the question of ALS reps voting specifically discussed?
Evan Leibovitch:At issue is whether the ALSs guide the leadership or actually, as in LAC, force the leadership team. I
Evan Leibovitch:(right now I can hear the call on AC)
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome Evan - will add you to attendees
Heidi:2010 Board Selection Workspace - https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/DirCan/At-Large+Director+Candidate+2010+Workspace
Avri Doria:on suffrage i wrote a basic blog piece:
Heidi:ICANN Fellowship program:
Glenn:Since we are trying to reach the indigenous communities
Evan Leibovitch:Things move more slowly in the cold ;-)
Gareth Shearman:I see that Seth Reiss is now on the call
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:soeone needs to get the audio on phone bridge
Eduardo Diaz:I can not hear anything.
Gisella Gruber-White:Are you not able to hear on your AC?
Evan Leibovitch:I can hear the audio fine from the AC
Gisella Gruber-White:can you all hear?
Tom Lowenhaupt:Feedback.
Glenn:link to youtube or website to view video
Avri Doria:shut off mikes people. echo is cute.
Gisella Gruber-White:Video:
Evan Leibovitch:I can hear him... twice... With a delay
Gisella Gruber-White:Apologies for audio first time!
Eduardo Diaz:too scrambled!
Tom Lowenhaupt:It'sa minute 54 seconds.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:it works!
Alan Greenberg:Failed experiment...
Heidi:NARALO spotlight: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/NARALO/pages/110235303/NARALO+ALSes+Spotlight
Evan Leibovitch:Best to just send us the YouTube Li nk unless there is direct relevance to an NARALO issue
Avri Doria:alan, not a total failure, i was able to listen to it on the adobe with only a slight ignorable echo.
Glenn:the link is fine
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:excellent news wrt indigenous population!
Glenn:This is why I suggested it.
Glenn:CBC Radio had a program last week on Indigenious Internet endeavors
Evan Leibovitch:Good place for a Scottish joke
Glenn:FYI Eric mentioned this item for Indian locations in the US
Glenn:Garth and Staff I sent up a graphic for he NOMCOM Report for the centre panel
Evan Leibovitch:don't forget that NARALO includes a number u of Pacific islands
Glenn:Yes, good idea
Avri Doria:i got mine
Eduardo Diaz:You can do it there in one day.
Glenn:I have my visa
Glenn:cost $89
Eduardo Diaz:I already got my visa. 1yr, multiple entries, business category
Glenn:really low
Glenn:can[t hear Evan
Eduardo Diaz:I had to pay $140
Heidi:CNNNIC is closed for the Lunar New Year holiday throught 18 Feb.
Gisella Gruber-White:Evan - we can't hear you
Avri Doria:Note: if you have had a visa before you need to show the previous visa when applying. or at least that is what NYC required from me
Avri Doria:the cost is different in US than Canada
Eduardo Diaz:@Avri: I had a previous visa and I did not have to show it to them
Eduardo Diaz:I got mine in San Francisco - 4 days
Evan Leibovitch:The ICANN invite cfrom CT was instant for me
Heidi:Darlene, I'll follow up with CT. That is indeed a long time!
Darlene Thompson:ty Heidi
Evan Leibovitch:CNNIC invite took a few days and a form to fill out but was turned around quick. As Heidi said things will be closed much THIS nextnex weweek for the new year
Avri Doria:Well, as they say, different consultates have differnt rules. or were you out of NYC also?
Darlene Thompson:Oh, I received my invite from CT immediately - just not from CNNIC, Evan.
Eduardo Diaz:I have a hard time understandintg Tom
Darlene Thompson:Me too
garth bruen 2:feedback, coughing...
Evan Leibovitch:I have an AOB item regarding settings up contact witwitwith ARIN.
Avri Doria:I teach at the school Wolf mentioned and can talk on it to anyone who is intersted. just let me know.
Evan Leibovitch:Simply asking to set it up and maybe a Q&A at a future NARALO) mtg
Avri Doria:Yeah, join GNSO WGs, it is where the action is at on gTLDs.
Avri Doria:On the school, was not suggesting taking time in the meeting, but offline, ...
Evan Leibovitch:Insight? Not quite.
Avri Doria:I like the idea of talking to ARIN - good to establish the relationship if nothing else. Since it is the RIRs that do the work for the ARO, RALO participation in the RIRs is brilliant.
Heidi:Beginner's Guides to Numbering and to IPv6:
Heidi:Sorry - to Names and IPv6...
garth bruen 2:I thought Evan was done, soory
Evan Leibovitch:Np
Avri Doria:OCL, so what? why can't the RALO take part as a RALO?
seth reiss:gotta go
Avri Doria:It is a regional thing, what does ALAC have to say about it?
Tom Lowenhaupt:ARIN announced in an ISOC conference that a public information meeting in the D.C. area in March/April. But I see nothing on the site as of today.
Evan Leibovitch:I had envisioned a relationship so. me thing different than just joining ARIN
Avri Doria:Bottom-up RALO to RIR is subsidiarity, it is not ALAc's affair
Joly MacFie:
Evan Leibovitch:(And hired some away ;-),)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Avri - the ALAC can help the RALOs help each other. Furthermore, the ALAC can also liaise with the Chairs of the ASO to ask their members to welcome bilateral collaboration between RIRs and RALOS
Tom Lowenhaupt:thanks.
Heidi:Bye, All!
Gisella Gruber-White:Thank you all! And enjoy the rest of your day
Darlene Thompson:Bye all!
Evan Leibovitch:Bye!
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