Gisella Gruber-White 2:Welcome to the NARALO Monthly call on Monday 9 January 2012
Glenn McKnight:Hi All
Eduardo Diaz:Hola a todos
Glenn McKnight:Hi Darlene
Glenn McKnight:Did you need me to take notes?
Glenn McKnight:What is quorum?
Gareth Shearman:Hola Eduardo
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Today's meeting page: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/NARALO/NARALO+09.01.2012+Teleconference
Garth Bruen:Hello all
Matt Ashtiani:hello! welcome to the call!
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome!
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Joly McFIe joined the call
Heidi Ullrich:Deadline for Meeting forms to be submitted is Feb 3
Gisella Gruber-White 2:Evan has joined the call
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large San Jose Meeting Workspace is available at: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/atlarge/San+Jose+Meeting+-+March+2012
Evan Leibovitch:hi all
Evan Leibovitch:I see your hand up Glenn and will make sure you're next to speak
Darlene Thompson:Well, we didn't get a GA in San Francisco so it only makes sense as per what Olivier is say to have one in Toronto
Heidi Ullrich:Silvia is also taking notes
Evan Leibovitch:will there be a NARALO call March 19 (during tbe San Jose meeting)? Unlike other meetings in very different time zones, we have the ability to have the March NARALO call at the usual time with many of us in person in San Jose.
Evan Leibovitch:Or we could do it on the 12th at the usual time
Alan Greenberg:Sorry I am late.Dialing in now.
Evan Leibovitch:Hi Alan
Evan Leibovitch:Meeting fatigue today
Alan Greenberg:In now.
Evan Leibovitch:Some may have 4 different ICANN meetings or more
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I mentioned go to the ExCom or ALAC, in case there is not a WG already working on this
Evan Leibovitch:Oh it's not easy to do a survey.
Evan Leibovitch:Never thought it would be
Glenn McKnight:We still peoples feedback on the survey
Glenn McKnight:Please review if we have gaps
Garth Bruen:@Evan, amen on consumer choice
Garth Bruen:@Joly, excellent follow up, important issue
Heidi Ullrich:An At-Large Briefing Call on Whois is being planned to take place within the next couple of weeks.
Heidi Ullrich:It will primarily be a discussion of the Whois RT report
Glenn McKnight:Not clear fto Avri, Are you saying the GNSO has a survey?
Glenn McKnight:Is this survey available?
Glenn McKnight:What is the link?
avri:the survey is not yet avaialble as we are still trying to write the questions.
Glenn McKnight:Avri did you look at the survey we have been working on?
Glenn McKnight:My phone is 905 434 6655
Glenn McKnight:or skype
Glenn McKnight:Fine we will coordinate another time
Heidi Ullrich:The outreach workspace (to be populated) is: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/atlarge/At-Large+Outreach+Workspace
Heidi Ullrich:Joly, would you be able to use this link in the video?
Heidi Ullrich:We will populate the wiki and add it to the Gateway box on the At-Large wiki pages for easy access.
Glenn McKnight:Sorry, did I miss the discussion of Rob Hall?
Garth Bruen:@FYI on US congress - they have been out to lunch since before xmas
Garth Bruen:@Glenn, no discussion, Beau is still drafting a letter.
Evan Leibovitch:way before xmas ;-)
Garth Bruen:@Evan, "permanent vacation"
Glenn McKnight:Bye all
Glenn McKnight:Avri give me a call when ready
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