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For more recent announcements, see the main At-Large Improvements Prjoect Workspace.


13 August 2010


Today, ICANN's Board of Directors approved the ALAC/At-Large Improvements Implementation Project Plan and directed ICANN's CEO to report on the project's progress at the 2010 Annual General Meeting in December 2010.

See the Board resolution here.


21 July 2010

On 21 July, as requested by the Board in Brussels, the ALAC and ICANN's At-Large staff submitted the ALAC/At-Large Improvements Implementation Project Plan Summary for consideration by the SIC (in its 22 July meeting) and by the Board (in its 5 August meeting). This Summary highlights the most important aspects of the full Project Plan – namely, the Improvements project's adherence to Board guidance, budgetary implications, potential risk factors (and the steps planned to mitigate them), needed bylaw changes, targeted deadlines, and contributions to ICANN's Affirmation of Commitments.

See this Summary here: ALAC ALAC, At-Large Improvements Implementation Project Plan - Summary (21 Jul 2010).pdf.


7 June 2010

On 7 June, the ALAC-At-Large Improvements Project Plan, developed jointly by the ALAC and ICANN’s At-Large staff, in consultation with ICANN’s Legal staff, was submitted to the Structural Improvements Committee for review. This Project Plan contains an implementation timeline and addresses issues related toBoard Guidance, Budgetary Implications, Liability, and Bylaw Changes.

See this Project Plan here: ALAC-At-Large Improvements Implementation Project Plan (7 June 2010).pdf.


5 March 2010

For a comprehensive list of implementation deliverables completed to date, please see the attached Simplified At-Large Improvements Outline (updated on 7 April 2010).


  • The publication of regional brochures, in the relevant languages, by three of our RALOs; brochures by the remaining two RALOs are in production. These will be used as part of a new education, outreach, and recruitment strategy.
  • A review of the information flow between the At-Large ALS-RALO-ALAC structure and individual Internet users has begun.
  • The public-comment period on a proposed selection process for the At-Large Board member has closed.
  • Draft revisions to the ICANN Bylaws, more clearly defining the At-Large role and contribution, are underway.


25 July 2008

ALAC Review: Final Report by Independent Evaluator Released